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Senior Profile: Dylan Jenkins

Last year I wrote about a few seniors who are preparing to graduate high school and become members of society on a new level. I decided to share with you a few from this year as well. I recently sat down with Dylan Jenkins, a senior at Lake Roosevelt, and asked him about his journey so far.

To start with, I have known Dylan a long time. Well, it really has only been six or seven years, but it feels longer. I know he has a huge heart, wears his emotions on sleeve and is a friend to just about everyone. He excels in his own education and, while some are struggling to just pass, he is focused on turning the A- into an A+.

He started the interview wearing his trademark smile and pretty much kept it on throughout our talk. When I asked him how his senior year was going, he answered without hesitation, “Staying busy. This is definitely a year of social outings, homework and high school-and-beyond preparation.” Dylan has been busy too; grades are important to him; they have been his whole life. It shows too; he currently sits third in a class of very competitive students. He secretly has a goal to move to second, if everything goes right.

Dylan has overcome some things to get to this point in his life. “Well, I have overcome a lot of social insecurities, like not being able to ask for help,” he said. “I would go in circles in my mind when I could not figure out the answer for something.” He would just not ask because he did not want to be singled out. A bit of shyness early in high school, but he added, “I learned to become independent, but I also learned I needed to ask for help when I needed it.” A lesson some of us could still use as adults.

Dylan has overcome. He has been accepted into Eastern Washington University and plans to major in education or psychology or both. He will then move on to a master’s program.

“I want to help troubled students or anyone that needs help in the future,” he said. Dylan has seen a need over the past few years in his own life and school, and he wants to give back. When I asked him who has helped him at Lake Roosevelt, without hesitation, he said, “Mrs. Darnold. She always seems to have the answers for school questions and life questions. She is the hardest worker I know and is very devoted to her job and to the kids involved around her.” Life would be different for many students here without her.

Dylan also credits his mom for influencing him the most in life.

“Besides the obvious, she taught me to learn from my own mistakes and the mistakes of others,” he said. “She taught me to see the big picture in certain situations and how to care for myself and for others.” Dylan credits his mom for helping him with just about everything, and that’s just the way it should be. She has been there; I have seen it myself.

I asked Dylan if he had any advice for future seniors, and he thought long and hard before answering: “Know what you want and go for it,” he said. “You have an opportunity to do what you want in life, if you’re willing to take it.”

This comes from a young man who has taken his education into his own hands and strives to excel always in everything he does. He is one of the tenderest and most kind-hearted people I know. He is always willing to help someone, too. His closing statement says it all. When I asked him if there was anything else he wanted to add, he replied, “Be kind to each other.” That says a lot about a great young man. He will be a great addition to wherever he lands in the future.


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