Grand Coulee Police
1/30 - Police arrested a man wanted on warrants after they found him hiding in a bedroom at a residence on Alcan Road NE. Police were trying to stop a vehicle with a faulty light, and the car drove to the residence, where the man ran into the house to avoid arrest, police said. The woman who remained in the car said the man had been driving.
- A man on Goodfellow Avenue in Electric City reported to police that someone had broken into his vehicle.
- A woman whose vehicle had been repossessed was given the number of the tow company by police.
1/31 - A Grand Coulee man pulled over for faulty lights ended up with a host of charges. Those included the light problem, having neither driver’s license on his person nor insurance, and having a defective windshield and defective tires.
- A Coulee Medical Center employee told police that there was a pickup in the parking lot that turned its lights off and on and then would drive around the parking lot. Police looked for the vehicle but couldn’t locate it.
2/1 - A woman on Stevens Street in Electric City advised police that during the night someone had entered her unlocked vehicle and stolen her purse with her social security card in it.
- A Grand Coulee man was picked up on A Street on two warrants. A baggie containing meth was found in his front pants pocket, police said. He told police that they weren’t his pants. When he was asked whose pants they were he said he wasn’t sure. He was off to jail on the warrants and a citation for possession of a controlled substance.
- The man who was jailed earlier was thought to have kicked in the door to the residence where he was standing. The door had shoe prints on it where the person kicked the door. Police asked jail attendants to take a picture of the man’s shoe sole to see if it matched.
2/2 - A woman on West Grand Avenue in Electric City told police that someone had left a threatening letter on her windshield. Police plan to make extra patrols in the area.
- A man on Diamond Street in Electric City was advised to get a court order against people who had been harassing him.
- A woman was assisted on a court order incident at West Grand Avenue in Electric City.
- Police checked on a man staying in a camper at the storage units at the old Young’s Welding property. He stated that the unit he was parked in front of was his. He was advised that he could only do so for 30 days and that he should find out if the owner of the storage operation approved.
- An intoxicated man was told to stay out of the roadway at East Coulee Boulevard in Electric City. It was reported that he was staggering.
2/3 - People taking things out of a storage unit on Second Street were told to keep the noise down because people living under the units were trying to sleep.
2/4 - A man who had earlier been booked in Grant County jail on two warrants got a return trip, this time for residential burglary, when he was found in his deceased wife’s house. The owner of the house asked that he be banned from the premises after he got out of jail.
2/5 - School officials advised police of two people sleeping in a vehicle parked on school property. Since the person in the driver’s seat only had a learner’s permit, they were advised to leave the vehicle parked. The two left the area.
- Police found a female German short-haired dog at North Dam Park. The officer thought he knew the owner and took the dog to a residence on Snyder Hill Road. The man there said he didn’t own the dog, but he offered to take care of it until the owner was found. The dog was mostly white and spotty with a brown head and two larger brown spots on its left side. It had some grey near the muzzle and had a leather collar, but no identification tag.
- An officer served as a backup for tribal officials who responded to a call of a fight on Holly Drive. Tribal officers entered the house and found one man unconscious and another who darted into a room and shut the door. Officers subdued the man who had gone into the room and shut the door, and took him into custody. A second man, who had a swollen lip, had been stopped outside the house. Officers said there were knives and a machete inside the house. Tribal police handled the incident since the property was in Tribal Trust.
2/6 - A woman was banned from a Federal Avenue apartment after the tenant told police that she had been shown the door after stealing some things. The tenant didn’t want to press charges.
- An officer was on standby for tribal officers who brought a combative person to the hospital. The man allowed staff to examine him, after which tribal police took him to jail.
- Police stopped a vehicle on Sunny Drive in Electric City after it was seen driving in a suspicious way. The passenger in the vehicle refused to identify himself for police, but the officer had dispatch send a photo of who he thought it was. The officer was suspicious that the two might be casing houses in the area, but couldn’t prove anything.
- A woman police said has mental issues was in front of Safeway crying and stated she was being followed by a man in a green truck. The officer took her to a friend’s house, where she agreed she would be safe.
Coulee Dam Police
1/29 - Police looked for a man, thought to be recently freed from jail, reported to be walking down Central Drive carrying a heavy backpack.
- A person was given a courtesy ride to Delano from the Lake Roosevelt High School gym.
1/30 - A woman was advised that she couldn’t park her car in the alley off Sixth Street. After she offered to move it, the officer asked to see her driver license. She replied she didn’t have one. The officer learned that her license had been suspended. She got a friend to move the car, but his license was expired. She was told not to move the car except by a licensed driver. Later, the officer drove by and the car was gone.
- Police assisted tribal police in locating a runaway girl. Tribal police took the girl home.
1/31 - City officials cut power at the pole after finding that someone had tampered with the meter at a Camas Street residence, where a bill over more than $1,000 was owed. The person had just been released from jail and told police that he planned to move to Spokane.
2/1 - A woman, stopped for expired tabs, was wanted on a warrant for her arrest. She was cited for driving with a suspended license and for not having insurance and taken to jail on the warrant.
2/3 - Police found a door open at a residence on Central Drive and, with an assist from a Grand Coulee officer, checked the house and found no one inside. The officers secured the door and, when ready to leave, the homeowner arrived and was told what happened. She said her children must have left the door ajar.
- A woman was cited near Stevens Avenue after the officer found she was driving with a suspended license. She had been stopped because the lights were not working on the rear of the vehicle. A passenger had a valid license and took control of the car.
- Police arrested a man wanted on arrest warrants and took him to Okanogan County jail.
- A woman asked police to check on the welfare of a man living on River Drive. The officer finally raised the man by shining a flashlight through the window. The man assured police that he was OK.
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