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Valentine's Day

It would be a huge mistake for me to let a day go by when the paper comes out on Valentine’s Day and not write about my love. Plus, it is a huge opportunity for brownie points. Oh, by the way, this very paper wrote about us way back then; “Fire Ignites a Spark,” I believe, was the headline, with us sitting on a fire truck.

A long time ago, 21 years in May, she said yes. She said yes to a skinny, troubled and enthusiastic boy. We were at Katie’s Wild Rose Inn, located in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and I was in love. I remember the dress she was wearing, I remember the kiss and I remember the words I said to her as we drove away. We stayed at the Blackwell House; it was surreal.

As we look back together over the years, we know it was not perfect. We both wish we had thought about having some family there to share with, but we were young and just wanted to be married.

Over the years, we have had ups and downs, but we have grown from those times. We have both made sacrifices and, really, that is what being married is all about: constant growing, changing and loving more and more. There have been times I am not proud of, but I am proud of coming through those times together and being stronger because of it.

When I was sick, I was at my darkest point. Two things got me through it: God and Karrie. Her attention, her care and her faith in me, and in our God, pulled me out. Even in those times I let depression sink in and devour me, she was the lifeline I needed. Our love grew.

But in the last couple of years, something very amazing happened. As we have grown bolder in our faith, not holding back, not hiding the spark any longer, our love for each other has blossomed into something mighty. A one-flesh ministry that relies on each other as well as the God within us both. Karrie has become so compassionate for others, and in turn her compassion for me overwhelms me. To see her tears for a lost soul makes me love her more than I can even fathom.

You see, I see Christ in her daily, in her words, in her actions and in her smile. She makes me a better man and in turn, hopefully, I make her better as well. There is a lot more I could say about her, but I don’t want to embarrass each other any more than I have to. Let me just say this: I cannot imagine a day without her; she is my best friend and I am the luckiest man alive because of her. I love you, Karrie.

Don’t forget to love on your valentine today, and let us not forget the ultimate act of love that was done so long ago but is just as relevant today as it was then. Open your hearts to the ultimate Love.


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