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Faux news foments more hate

American narcissism-exceptionalism is the most habitual exporter of terror around the globe by the cruelties out of Congress and the White house.

Exports of military arms and environmental poisoning of foreign Peoples and their lands creates collateral damage by destroying those Peoples’ ways of life.

Yemen, Syria, Honduras, Venezuela, Brazil, Columbia, Guatemala, the former Czechoslovakia, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Palestine, Okinawa, Philippines, Standing Rock, Alberta Tar Sands, Canada declaring Sinixt Peoples extinct — all have been targets of American hate, and come home to roost.

Exports of “Bombs Bursting in Air” creates negative feedback and hate against refugees from U.S. terror. Is this the White House import market? Is this “free” trade? No! It’s expensive, insane military-budget-fossil-fuel-based, industrial-complex, self-destruction hate-trade.

Around American kitchen tables, hate incubates the dog-whistle resentments against Indian languages, cultures, and spirituality; Islamophobia seeded in the Old Testament into The Crusades, and more Freudian-twisted hate against Black and Brown Peoples. FOX Nus-sance-in-hate speech, faux news foments more hate. Why?

These messages to our youth and children feed the violence adults claim they want to prevent in schools. Christian-based religious hatreds against others, who suffer under “U.S. Bombs Bursting In Air,” being expressed in letters to the editor, is a bad roost for kids.

Lou Stone



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