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Why you should care about a curtain

This community can be counted on to step up to address a need, but we don’t always know about them.

This week, the Rotary club of which I am a member is pointing one out that has gone unmet for a very long time.

Those of you who have lived in the community for a long time may remember when the old community theatrical troupe, The Planet Earth Players, put on the musical “Oklahoma,” decades ago.

The curtain in the high school gym was very old then, and it’s a lot older now. Embarrassingly old.

But it’s never been an immediate need. Kids don’t wear the curtain to away games. It’s not a book with obsolete coursework in it. And it won’t keep the gym warm on cold winter basketball nights.

But it is a very standard, necessary piece of equipment any school needs, one that it’s likely any school board member responsible for overseeing a tight budget would feel pressed to ignore when financial push comes to shove.

That’s why the Rotary club is offering a dinner this Saturday in the school cafeteria to raise money for a new curtain to replace the one in shambles that hangs over our graduates as we honor them.

A turnout for the club’s spaghetti feed will be a turnout for school support of a kind not often sought in this district.

Here’s hoping to see you there from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday.

Scott Hunter

editor and publisher


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