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Changes made in school staffing

The Grand Coulee Dam School District announced some staffing changes at their last school board meeting.

The vice principal at the high school, Charlie Pierce, will be a full-time administrator again, and will no longer teach a construction class.

The safety officer position is going to be eliminated, and the vice principal, along with a paraprofessional, will be taking on those monitoring duties.

The elementary school vice principal position will be eliminated and replaced with a dean of students. A dean of students, unlike the VP, will not be on an administrative salary schedule, and will work days resembling a teacher’s schedule.

The dean of students will work with students; will work with discipline, including working with teachers on discipline; and perform other duties as assigned by the principal.

These changes are essentially being made to save money for the school district, according to Superintendent Paul Turner.

Also, an athletic director will be hired part time on a supplemental contract, something that just needs to be done, according to Turner. A new native American language teacher will be hired to teach two classes, as well.


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