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Speaking of life

We have all had that one person who has spoken so directly into our heart that it changed us forever. It might have been a parent, a grandparent, an uncle or an aunt. It may have been a boss, a pastor, a friend or a boss. Or it could have been a complete stranger, a guest speaker at school, at a conference or just someone you saw on television or online. The fact of the matter is that the words they spoke so impacted you that a change occurred right there in the moment. Tears may have flowed, passion may have bubbled over or even an extreme peace may have overwhelmed. That person spoke life into a dry valley.

I can remember some pretty impactful people for me. My grandpas come to mind first. Grandpa Utz always talked of hard work and doing what was right, even if it meant having the difficult conversation. He also expressed joy; it was OK to have fun, to joke around. My Grandpa Nessly instilled faith, prayer and love. I loved spending time with him. I could listen to him talk about stories from the past for hours.

Larry Curtis is the next person who impacted me with insight. My psychology teacher laid it all out there for you to soak up. Proper note taking was what I remember the most, and a trip to natural helpers that opened my eyes to myself. He was there too. I learned that we all have a bit of responsibility for each other. I saw that in him. We need to be there for each other even when it is uncomfortable.

Cal Pierce has had a huge impact on me as well. He re-dug the wells of healing for the Healing Rooms in Spokane that were originally dug by John G. Lakes. A fire was ignited deep within me when I heard him speak for the first time. A passion for praying for others to be healed swelled from within my soul and I have and will continue to do so because I am commanded to do so.

Steve Archer, Jeremiah Seekins, Nancy Kuiper, Gary Kuiper, Frank Sieker, Chuck Mooney, Todd White, Dutch Sheets and many, many more; the list could go on and on. They have all spoken words of wisdom that have changed my way of seeing and feeling things. We all have so many influences that hit home and adjust us in such a way that we will never be the same.

Why am I writing about this today? Because this Friday at Lake Roosevelt some pretty powerful stories are about to be told that just might impact a high school student you know. James Pakootas and Miah Bearcub are about to share from the heart, stories of their life to this point. Stories that will have impact, passion and pain. They and the other speakers have a mission, and that mission is to change the future. They have very different stories, but those stories have brought them to this point. A point in time to not be defined by their past but to propel others to a positive future. It will be exciting, uncomfortable and emotionally charged, but the impact will be felt. Hopefully for generations to come.

Tell your story to your grandkids, neighbors, nieces and nephews. They may not hear you today, but the impact could come tomorrow. Words of life, spoken with love will never fall on infertile soil. I’m Jess saying.


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