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If chickens discriminated against people

There’s a rooster in Electric City.

And it is a direct violation of the city’s chicken ordinance, which allows a handful of hens, but no roosters.

A clear violation of equal treatment under the law.

The city council, who started this farce by refusing to allow people to have roosters, got the challenge at a recent meeting when a woman told the council of a dog problem she had and then reported that she heard a rooster crowing.

That should have prompted an exodus from the meeting by city council members, fanning throughout the city to find the culprit that brought a rooster to town.

No one challenged the lady to see if she knew the difference between a “cock-a-doodle-do” and a “cluck-cluck-cluck.”

At any rate, it was a meeting that affirms that adult people can be so overcome with trivia that they refuse to see the big picture.

The big picture is one of equality and looking at the law through the eyes of hens.

I can see a world with animals — in this instance, chickens — occupying the seats of power and humans the victims of their decisions.

The hens could run on the color and shape of their feathers, and on which one could cluck the loudest. And throw in an egg or two — who doesn’t like the looks of brown eggs?

So talk about discord when the human ladies find out that they can’t have males around (I know, some would call this the perfect world).

What a storm of protest!

Why not add a few roosters. It would make the hens happy, and eliminate the need for alarm clocks. Haven’t the people in Electric City ever been to a farm? And where do they think little chicks come from (the U.S. post office)?

It seems the council is set against anything with feathers on it. They have maligned turkeys, which would have been our national bird if Ben Franklin had his way. Just because someone saw a few turkeys in town, some council members want them to be hunted and shot.

What if I complained about hummingbirds? Would they include them in their foolish ordinances?

Try shooting one of those, you deadeyes.

It all goes to show you how people take on foolish ideas. Ever try telling a turkey that he can’t cross the line that separates the city from the county? Reasonable people wouldn’t waste their time on such nonsense.

So if you hear a rooster crowing, and know who owns it, I suggest silence. It’s beautiful music, and everybody living in Electric City should hear it.


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