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A lot can happen in a week or two. From Father’s Day to the 4th of July is a busy time in most families. Camping, vacations, fishing trips and camps can take up a lot of this timeframe, but sometimes things can change, and things can look a little different. Also, depending on who you are, things can change. I could write about a little blue truck or a union gathering. But I am not today. I could talk about the “Best Father’s Day Ever” or on running into a Proctor in Pasco, but I will wait on that, too. What I am going to write about is obeying when called.

As many of you know, Karrie and I pray at the Healing Rooms in Spokane on most Saturdays. On Tuesday night we went in for a meeting of prayer for the changes that are happening at the Healing Rooms. It was an impactful time and experience. But what I want to talk about is the feeling when God calls you up and you obey and the awakening that happens after.

There are a lot of details that go into this little story but I will try to contain just some simple facts. Over the three hours we were at the property owned by the healing rooms, I felt a shift in the physical atmosphere and in my own internal atmosphere. There was a moment that God told me to speak something and I was hesitant. But God kept pushing me and a feverish feeling overcame me and something was welling up from my insides that wanted to spew out of my mouth. As soon as I released the words from my spirit things started happening.

There was also a vision I shared with the other prayer warriors from earlier. One of angels. This would play a significant role to other events as the time went on. I do not want to go into the details here on these pages of all that was said and seen on this night, but there is one thing I want to focus on, and that is what happens when you obey the nudging of God.

The feeling you feel when you know God just used you to minister to others is wonderful, but when God asks you to say and see things that are not seen by everyone, and it is confirmed my someone you respect and trust, well, that is a whole different level of awakening. It feels heavenly and almost too much to bear.

So why am I writing about all this without telling you much of anything? Well, because I know God is calling every one of you out there to do or say something, to go deeper with him and/or change things in your life. I know it can happen, I know He is real. I have seen him heal me and others. I have heard him speak to me, and others have too. I also know he has been trying to speak to you daily, hourly and right now. He wants you to awaken and go deeper and let him move you upward and forward toward great things. You can ask me personally about any of these things and I will tell you, but I know God wants to show you some things as well. So go deeper with him.

Happy Independence Day, everyone, and may God bless you and the United States of America.


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