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Need for clear thinking still an issue in Okanogan County

In 2016, Okanogan County’s voters made a clear statement on values by ousting the two county commissioners who were up for election at that time. Issues included: lack of transparency regarding plans for housing juvenile offenders; failure to listen to the public regarding vacation of Three Devils Road, which is needed for public egress during wildfires and for access to public lands; lack of accountability in expenditure of county tax dollars for travel expenses to promote transfer of ownership of public lands to the states and counties nationwide; and payments of huge legal fees resulting from lack of respect for county employees. Jokes had been made during commissioners’ public meetings about politicians of the opposite party, the “ridiculous” theory of climate change, and environmentalists.

New Commissioners Branch and Hover do not tolerate such inappropriate public behavior. Mr. DeTro has toned down his rhetoric a bit and is up for re-election this year. Has Jim changed his opinion on important issues or not? The public and press should raise this question, since Jim was quoted in an article as deciding to run because he has “unfinished business.”

Perhaps more importantly, has Jim’s attitude changed or not? My guess is “not,” considering his recent Facebook promotion of a poster suggesting “spaying and neutering of all environmental extremists.” His support of the takeover of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge accomplished little but hysteria. Driving an ATV into Winthrop, thereby challenging local laws and eventually causing the resignation of a good mayor, is not an indication for success in the arena of clear thinking.

Visit the web page of Salley Bull ( and the Facebook page of Jim DeTro and ask yourself which candidate has the best chance of moving toward the goals of intelligent, respectful problem solving of our county’s substantial challenges.

Isabelle Spohn



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