Cindy Carter is a rarity these days, an elected official who knows where money comes from. She learned to work as a child and retains a remarkable work ethic. I visited the Carters when they were finishing their house. Cindy was not there giving directions; she was there working.
When Cindy first ran for the office of county commissioner, the county Republicans opposed her because she was a political outsider. She’s been the lone voice in county government for those living south of I-90.
Things have changed since Cindy Carter was first elected as county commissioner. The county roads have improved. Many miles of roads have been paved, and the two major north-south roads (Dodson and Adams roads) are in much better shape than most of the state highways that cross Grant County.
When expenditures are made, Cindy Carter realizes that each dollar spent by the county had first to have been earned by a resident of Grant County and then paid as taxes to the county. Each and every dollar. That shows as things like improvements to the fairgrounds are made as they become affordable.
Nothing is too good for the residents of Grant County, if we can afford it. There is no such thing as “County money.” It’s all “taxpayer money,” whether sourced from sales tax, state or federal matching funds, or the property taxes paid by struggling first-time homeowners, senior citizens and other property owners. Hard decisions must be made when allocating these taxpayer monies for the benefit of Grant County residents, and “knowing where money comes from” uniquely qualifies Cindy Carter to continue making these hard decisions.
Cindy Carter does not need the job. Grant county needs Cindy Carter as county commissioner.
Brad Nelson
Royal City
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