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Raiders win two wrestling tourneys

Raider wrestlers dominated at both their own Powerhouse Tournament in Coulee Dam Friday, and the Banks Lake Brawl in Coulee City Saturday.

The Raiders won the Powerhouse with 169.5 points, the first out of 10 teams, with Rainier taking second with 97.5 points.

At the Banks Lake Brawl, LR had 234.5 team points, the first out of 12 teams, with Warden placing second with 114.

At the Powerhouse on Dec. 28, there were seven Raiders who placed first: Colton Jackson, wrestling in the 113 weight division; David Crowe, wrestling at 132; Kaleb Horn, wrestling at 138; Tony Nichols, wrestling at 152; Moses Luevano, at 182; Steven Flowers, at 220; and Tyler Palmer, at 152 in a round-robin style, junior varsity bracket.

Placing second were Taylor Circle, at 132; Brandon Long, at 182; and Sherwin Vargas, wrestling at 220.

Tony Marchand (145) and Trevon Johnson (220) each placed third. Dylin Wiles placed fourth at 160.

Quite a bit of Raider rivalry in the 220 division saw Flowers defeating fellow Raiders Connor Klingenberg and Vargas to take first in the division. Vargas took second, and also wrestled Raider Trevon Johnson along the way. Johnson took third in the division.

Another instance of Raider rivalry came in the 182 division, as Luevano defeated Long 11-8 in the championship, taking first for himself and Long taking second.

"Obviously we had a great tournament," said Head Coach Steve Hood. "Just about everyone placed. Everybody was winning matches. For this point in the season, our wrestling is coming along well, not where we want to be at the end, but we're making progress on it. We had a great day of wrestling. It snowed most the day; luckily the other teams made it home alright.

Some teams didn't make the drive due to the weather.

The next day, at the Banks Lake Brawl in Coulee City on Dec. 29, the Raiders earned eight first-place spots: Jackson at 106, Robert Thomas at 113, Crowe at 132, Horn at 138, Marchand at 145, Nichols at 152, Flowers at 195, and Vargas at 220.

Earning a second was Ida Sue in the girls 140 division, Palmer in the 152B division, Long at 182, and Johnson at 220.

Klingenberg took third at 220, and Joey Tynnan took fourth.

"Had a really good day," Hood said.

Hood noted the efforts of Marchand who defeated Darian Range of Oroville 6-4 in overtime to take first at 145 after Range had pinned Marchand in the semi-finals at the Powerhouse Tournament the day before.

"That was a nice turnaround there," Hood said.

Saturday, Jan. 5, the Raiders will wrestle in Warden starting at 10 a.m.

Powerhouse Tournament

113: Jackson (LR) p. Ambriz (BRPT), 5:00; Jackson (LR) def. Townsend (CLBK), 12-0; Jackson (WCK) p. Armstrong (LR), 3:04; Ambriz (BRPT) def. Armstrong (LR), 15-0; 120: Thomas (LR p. Price (RAIN), :23; Lasher (RAIN) def. Thomas (LR), 11-2; 132: Crowe (LR) p. Jager (REPC), 3:23; Circle (LR) p. Goyne (OMAK), :52; Circle (LR) def. Gerrish (RAIN), 20-12; 138: Doyen (REPC) p. Seylor (LR), 2:35; Horn (LR) p. Hill (WCK), 2:35; Seylor (LR) p. Hill (WCK), 1:27; Horn (LR) p. Doyen (REPC), 3:08; Horn (LR) def. Seylor (LR), 9-0; 145: Range (ORO) p. Marchand (LR), 1:30; Marchand (LR) p. Castrejon (ORO) :43; Marchand (LR) p. Reynolds, (RAIN), 2:02; 152: Nichols (LR) def. Cardona (OMAK), 17-1; Nichols (LR) p. Zielinski (ACH), 3:40; Palmer (LR) def. McCoy (ORO), 6-4; Palmer (LR) p. Haddenham (REPC), 3:38; Palmer (LR) p. Brashear (CLBK), 1:00; 160: Strozyk (WCK) def. Wiles (LR), 2-1; Wiles (LR) def. DeVon (ORO), 10-2; Atkins (WCK) p. Wiles (LR), 2:04; 182: Luevano (LR) p. Cervantes (ORO), 1:32; Long (LR) p. Higgs (ACH), 5:52; Long (LR) p. Rueff (ACH), 5:53; Luevano (LR) def. Long (LR), 11-8; 220: Vargas (LR) p. Evans (CLBK), 1:25; Johnson (LR) p. Critchett (RAIN), 1:23; Klingenberg (LR) p. Corrigan (WCK), :57; Flowers (LR) p. Tynan (LR), 2:49; Vargas (LR) p. Johnson (LR), 3:40; Flowers (LR) p. Klingenberg (LR) 1:53; Flowers (LR) p. Vargas (LR), :55; Tynan (LR) p. Corrigan (WCK), 3:58; Johnson (LR) p. Tynan (LR), 2:16; Johnson (LR) p. Critchett (RAIN)

Banks Lake Brawl

106: Jackson (LR) p. Ryan (LRS); Jackson (LR) def. Cox (WAR), 16-0; 113: Thomas (LR) def. Chamberlain (WAR), 7-0; Thomas (LR) def. Cox (WAR), 9-7; Jackson (WCK) p. Armstrong (LR); Chamberlain (WAR) p. Armstrong (LR); 132: Chrowe (LR) p. Richart (KF); Crowe def. Cole (WAR), 16-1; 138: Horn (LR p. Mercado (CHEL); Horn (LR) p. Doyen (RECU); 145: Marchand (LR) p. Castrejon (ORO); Marchand (LR) p. Mora (CHEL); Marchand (LR) def. Range (ORO), 6-4 OT; 145G: Sue (LR) p. Ocampo (WS); Glover (CHEW) p. Sue (LR); 152: Nichols (LR) p. Placido (EPH); Nichols (LR) p. Hilderbrandt (RECU); Nichols (LR) def. Plasencia (DAV), 7-3; Palmer (LR) p. Feist (RECU); Palmer (LR) p. Jenkins (DAV); Garduno (WS) p. Palmer (LR); 160: Henry (DAV) def. Wiles (LR), 5-3; Wiles (LR) p. Placido (EPH); Strozyk (WCK) def. Wiles (LR) 4-3; 182: Long (LR) p. Ehrend (EPH); Long (LR) p. Rueff (ACH); Maceda (EPH) def. Long (LR), 7-5; 195: Flowers (LR) p. Bryan (CHEL); Flowers (LR) p. Morris (LRS); 220: Tynan (LR) p. Schurger (SPR); Vargas (LR) p. Tynan (LR); Klingenberg (LR) p. Corrigan (WCK) Johnson (LR) p. Bartok (DAV); Johnson (LR) p. Klingenberg (LR); Vargas (LR) p. Johnson (LR); Klingenberg (LR) p. Schurger (SPR); Tynan (LR) p. Corrigan (WCK); Klingenberg (LR) def. Tynan (LR), 13-2.


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