Term limits, change, whatever you want! Now is the time. Every day, I hear people want term limits. If you read last week’s Star, you see many, many open volunteer vacancies in local organizations, cities, boards, etc.
Now is the time for you, or your friends, or your family to step up and volunteer for one of these positions; now is the time to help enforce time limits by voting. Only you can make a change. If no one is willing to step into one of these volunteer roles, then please don’t ask for something you are not willing to help with. It was said that the Electric City mayor for many years never registered for the mayor’s job, but no one else did either so each year he would be asked to return to the position, and it was granted.
This is your community. The older generation has spent many years volunteering, and it now is time for the next generation to step up and volunteer. Throw your hat into the ring and take on the volunteer roles in the communities. We need change within the communities; we need new fresh ideas. We need new volunteers willing to step up and take the reins and lead this community into the future.
We don’t need to become Seattle, but we do have to have change and update, or we’ll die and become a page in the book about ghost towns.
Thanks to all who are serving and have served. We need volunteers in every way from the Boy Scouts, to Lions, city councils, festivals and many, many more. Also, we need some organization to take over the role of honoring the “Community Volunteer of the Year.”
Birdie Hensley
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