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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee

3/19 - At Grand Coulee Dam’s Third Powerhouse, between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m., someone reportedly opened a water valve that was left open for about three hours, causing some flooding inside an elevator shaft and elevator control room. An officer was unable to lift fingerprints from the valve. A note that was taped to the wall is being sent to the state crime lab to try to lift prints from it. The police report states that the valve will be secured in a way that only authorized employees of the dam can open it.

3/20 - Washington State Patrol informed Grand Coulee police of a grey truck heading toward Grand Coulee, having left the scene of an accident on SR-155 at milepost 19. WSP asked Grand Coulee police to try to intercept the vehicle, which they were unable to do.

3/21 - A woman at the Continental Heights apartments told police that a bright large light came toward here, then split into three separate lights going into different directions. An officer was unable to locate said lights.

3/22 - An officer investigated a report of two women getting into an abandoned vehicle in the Prims Place area. The officer found two women matching the description. One of the women said she did get into the vehicle, which belongs to her ex-boyfriend, to retrieve a jacket of hers. The vehicle is unable to lock. The officer had prior knowledge of the relationship, and that the car belongs to her ex-boyfriend. There was no damage to the vehicle and the officer found the women to be in possession of no suspicious items.

Coulee Dam

3/22 - Police cited a man for driving 46 mph in the 30-mph zone along SR-155 between Coulee Dam and Grand Coulee. The man said he was going fast because the car behind him was tailgating him. The man who was tailgating him, about two car lengths behind, was also pulled over and given a speeding ticket. The man said he thought two car lengths was enough, and the officer told him it was not.


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