News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Geezer Rehabilitation

The perceived threat to public safety by individuals fishing at Geezer Beach might be mitigated if their attitudes could be redirected. It is conceivable that they may develop an awareness of public image. Notoriety might be attended by a sense of societal responsibility. Activities such as using canes to whack interlopers who encroach on preferred fishing spots, and rolling abandoned vehicles into the lake, may become less frequent or cease altogether. Societal pressures may result in a transition from miscreants to community role models. A benefit derived from this transition could result in economic and social opportunities. Merchants and vendors might market a line of clothing and paraphernalia bearing geezer slogans. Postcards could become cherished souvenirs. People might seek out Geezers and Geezerette for autographs. It may become common to see jackets, shirts and hats with ”Geezers are people too” emblems in bold print.

If the pubic embraces the elevated status of Geezers, it could provide a basis for improved relations. If Geezers curtailed their random rampages to nearby towns and communities, women and children might no longer suffer anxiety from possible encounters with Geezers. If we aspire to the rehabilitation of Geezers, it could result in positive and constructive steps toward reducing or eliminating the implied threat to public safety.

Hopefully bureau officials would view this trend as a win for all concerned. Since the conversation began because of proposed action by bureau officials, they should share credit for bringing attention and focus to the issue. We can only hope an amicable resolution would extend to all interested individuals.

Lowell J. Moore


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