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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


6/4 - Two people were banned from a residence in Grand Coulee after the rightful owner of the property, who resides in California, learned they were there without permission.

6/5 - A man reported damage to his father’s E Street home. Damage to a window appeared to be from a BB gun, and there was also damage to a front-door screen window.

6/6 - A man known to an officer to be wanted on a warrant was sitting in a car in the Safeway parking lot. An officer knocked on the car and the man didn’t exit the vehicle. The officer opened the car and grabbed the man, who allegedly ran while the officer attempted to cuff him. The officer fought him to the ground and an off-duty Washington State Patrol trooper arrived and assisted in the arrest. Resisting arrest and escape were added to his list of charges.

- A man turned in a written statement about his iPhone being stolen while at the library on 5-24. He had left it at a computer station and it was gone when he returned. He needed a police report to access security footage.

6/9 - A man on Dill Avenue was bitten by a dog. A woman who took responsibility for the dog was charged with having a dog at large, unlicensed, and for the bite.

- A man pushing a shopping cart near Coulee Playland had permission to push the cart home from Safeway. No crime was committed.

- There was no one inside a residence where the door was left open.

- Someone at Safeway reported that a woman asked him where to buy meth.

6/10 - An officer assisted a National Parks officer in responding to a noise complaint at the Spring Canyon campground around midnight. It appeared everyone had fallen asleep by the time they arrived at the campground.

- An officer gave a man a courtesy ride to the casino after an off-duty officer reported almost hitting him on SR-174 near Geostar Drive. The man said he was thinking of hitchhiking to Spokane but changed his mind.

Coulee Dam


6/5 - A wallet found near River Drive and Roosevelt Way by a contractor working on the bridge was turned into police. Police looked up the name on the ID in the wallet, and found a phone number. The grandmother of the owner picked it up.

- A woman on Central Drive reported that her mail had been gone through. Missing were a new credit card, which she canceled, and a diffuser for her car, the envelopes for which were left at her residence and from which a fingerprint might be liftable.

6/8 - A man and a woman driving a white Chevy were stopped near the visitor center for not having a front license plate, and for a defective brake light. The man said he had just purchased the truck, and showed the officer a bill of sale. The officer said he still needed current tabs and insurance. The woman, who was driving, was cited for driving without a license or identification.

- Two men were reported to have been at Mason City Park yelling at kids and threatening to fight them before taking off down Mead Way. An officer was unable to locate them, but then another report came in saying the two men were at the high school, yelling at kids. The officer found them, ID’d them, and spoke to them. One was very intoxicated, the officer’s report noted. The officer told them he couldn’t give them a ride to Rebecca Lake, and asked tribal police if they were in the area to help. At one point, the more intoxicated man said he loved the officer and came at him. The man kept swearing at people, raising his arms in an attempt to fight, and wouldn’t get out of the way of a truck. The officer, having had enough, arrested the man for disorderly conduct and being a public nuisance, and took him to Okanogan County Jail.


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