The city of Coulee Dam may get a big loan and grant package to pay for added improvements to the sewage handling system, including paying for two new “lift stations” to pump the material to the new wastewater filtration plant.
The city council Wednesday authorized the mayor to sign an application for “wastewater subsequent funding” from the US Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development office.
The funding package would provide a $304,000 loan and a $909,000 grant to pay for lift stations on both the west and east sides of town.
The current west-side lift station is old and needs to be upgraded. An estimate made several years ago put the cost for the west side at about half a million dollars.
A new lift station is also needed on the east side in order to accept waste from Elmer City, which still has five years left on a 50-year agreement with Coulee Dam for treating its wastewater.
Elmer City is considering building its own plant.
Mayor Bob Poch said the city had been contacted by Rural Development. “RD is willing to go for the [grant/loan] … package,” he said.
“Sounds like a pretty good way to get a new lift plant,” Councilmember Keith St. Jeor commented.
The funding deal would still require the city to add another $38,000-$43,000 to the package.
Any final agreement would still require a resolution accepting it to be passed by the city council.
The motion to authorize the application passed unanimously.
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