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Coulee Cops

Coulee Dam

8/19 - Two dogs were reported running at large on Camas Street. A woman said she sprayed them with a hose and they ran off. The dogs were found on Tilmus Street, taken back to their respective owners, who were warned about the dogs running at large and told about the city’s ordinance.

8/24 - A green Kia with no license plates, only a dealer plate, was pulled over on Columbia Avenue. The driver said he just bought the car from a friend and was in the process of getting a temporary plate. The passenger, however, wanted on warrants, was arrested, and taken to Okanogan County Jail.

Grand Coulee

8/15 - An officer in Coulee Dam saw someone known to be wanted on a warrant. The officer approached the man near Central Drive and Sixth Street, arrested him, and took him to Grant County Jail.

8/20 - The Colville Tribal Convalescent Center reported that an employee who lives in Electric City hadn’t shown up for work, and they were concerned. The worker was fine, she had simply slept in. Police told her she should contact her work.

- After a home alarm was set off on Sunny Drive in Electric City, the homeowner assured police it was an accident and that everything was fine.

8/21 - An officer performed a welfare check on Burdin Boulevard where there were concerns of a woman taking care of a blind boy and leaving him unsupervised. Turned out it wasn’t a boy but a man, who told an officer he was fine. There were no concerns about his welfare that the officer could observe.

- Officers responded to the Washington Flats area where a grave was reported, thought too large to be a dog. A dream catcher and a cross were at the spot where a blue tarp could be seen through a mound of rocks. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office instructed officers to look under the blue tarp, where they saw part of an animal, determined to be a dog. Douglas County said they would send a deputy to the area.

- A woman on Park Avenue in Electric City told police she felt her house shaking, suspecting city pumps causing the shaking. An officer didn’t notice any shaking himself. The woman said she wasn’t scared, only concerned for the city. The officer left.

- An officer was unable to locate an injured deer reported to have been on Morrison Street, near the ice cream shop in Grand Coulee.

- A vehicle said to be blocking the doors to the hospital was gone upon police arrival.

- An officer observed nothing unusual near a burnt house on Grand Avenue where a neighbor reported seeing a suspicious light.

8/21 - A man known to be wanted on warrants was spotted near Spokane Way and Grand Coulee Avenue, arrested, and taken to jail.

8/22 - A man reportedly swinging a bat, hitting garbage cans, and yelling on Electric Boulevard was not there upon police arrival.

- Gasoline was reported siphoned from a vehicle parked at the city shop. The reporting party said they would lock the gas tank from now on.

- Police responded about 2:45 a.m. to a one-vehicle accident on SR-174 near milepost 26 at the request of Washington State Patrol who said they were en route to the scene. Two men were standing next to a white Kia. An officer determined that the vehicle had been traveling west when it crossed the eastbound lane before jumping a drainage ditch. The man who said he was driving said he had swerved to miss a coyote. The officer noted alcohol on his breath. The officer asked for the man’s driver’s license, and the man went to the car and began texting someone while doing so. The officer told him to wait there and he’d be back. The two men moved out of sight, the patrol car being parked behind other emergency vehicles obstructing the officer’s view. Another officer arrived, saying he saw a man hiding in a field near the vehicle. That man was returned to the vehicle. He said he was scared because he had been drinking, and that he was actually the driver. The other officer found the alleged driver and placed him in wrist restraints. That man later told the officer he didn’t know what was going on, that he had simply been sleeping in a field when he was placed in wrist restraints. He said he hadn’t seen the officer before and that police “rolled up” on him for no reason. The two men in the vehicle were taken to Lincoln County Jail. The case was forwarded to the WSP with recommended charges on one one man of driving under the influence, and of obstruction on both of them. The vehicle was towed.

- A man on Stevens Avenue in Electric City was told to turn his music down.

8/24 - A vehicle in Grand Coulee near View Place early in the morning was reported as suspicious to the Grant County Sheriff’s Office. Grand Coulee Police told them it was a newspaper delivery person.

- A woman passed out on a bench was given a ride home.


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