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Lady Raiders soccer lose, then fight to win two

Lady Raiders soccer has had a busy week with two victories and a loss.

In Tonasket Sept. 24, the Lady Raiders lost 7-1, outnumbered by the Lady Tigers 11 players to eight.

"The match went very well, given the situation we were in," Head Coach Micah Esmond said. "I was very proud of the girls with how well they played against their opposition. Attitudes were positive through the whole match. They all fought through the physicality of the match."

Madisyn Toulou scored the Lady Raiders' lone goal off an assist from Bryn Chaffee.

Tonasket didn't want to play with fewer players until they'd built up a lead, explained LR's Soccer Consultant/Trainer Randy Semanko.

"I believe if the game was played evenly, our girls would have beaten Tonasket soundly!" he said.

The odds were more even Sept. 26 in Grand Coulee as Lady Raiders played Oroville with both teams having eight players on the field - and LR winning 12-2.

"Oroville was more of an open match with a lot of attacking on our part," Esmond said. "With that said, they were still able to transition back into defense and keep them at bay."

Two days later in Manson, the Lady Raiders were again outnumbered 11 players to eight, but pulled off a 4-2 victory against the Lady Trojans.

"The girls were able to fight through a rough match of constant fouls, cleating (girls getting cleats into their legs), pushes and elbows," Esmond said. "After everything they went through, and without substitutions, they were able to leave with a great win."

Toulou and Chaffee have been the main scorers for LR, Esmond explained, with Chaffee contributing a lot of assists.

"All forward players have had their part in assists or goals," he noted.

"I would like to highlight all of the players since each one has fought very hard through all of their matches," Esmond continued, going on to highlight three first-year players. "Those three are Kyona Edmo as our goalie, Almeta Desautel as a centerback, (right in the middle of the defensive line), and Glad Eyes Williams as a fullback (on the sides of the defensive line). They have been instrumental in our wins and the way we play. First met with a bit of concern, Kyona has quickly adapted to life in goal. She is beginning to excel at every facet of goalkeeping."

The Lady Raiders were scheduled to play yesterday at home against Omak, results of which will be published in next week's Star.

On Thursday, Oct. 3, they are scheduled to host Liberty Bell at home in Grand Coulee at 4:30 p.m.


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