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A politician you truly can admire

We live in a day when the caliber of our elected officials is in question. And for good reason as it becomes apparent that they continually lie to us, often when the truth would serve them better.

I like a bumper sticker I saw recently that states, “The truth is out there.”

There is one politician that stands apart from others: former President Jimmy Carter.

While he didn’t have a distinguished one-term presidency, he is a distinguished person and continues to be so to this present day.

There were a couple of things that marred his presidency. One, he surrounded himself with too many Georgian advisors; and second, the ordeal of our hostages in Iran didn’t play well for him.

I met Mr. Carter on two occasions, the first when I attended a Suburban Newspaper convention in Atlanta, Georgia.

Carter was then governor and gave the keynote speech to kick off the convention agenda.

After he concluded his speech, he came down to the convention floor and just stood there, no one around him, so I decided to go down and visit with him.

In so doing, he mentioned that the wives were coming out to the governor’s mansion the following day and suggested that I come out and we could visit more.

I did so, and during our conversation he stated that he was going to announce his run for the presidency, and that polls he had taken were very favorable.

He also stated that he and his wife planned to be in Seattle for the governors’ conference in a couple of months; he planned a meeting there and would like us to come to it.

The meeting was at the Athletic Club in downtown Seattle, and as we entered, Gov. Carter and his wife met us at the door and called us by name.

That was really impressive to a person who has trouble remembering names. I guess that is why I always carry I.D. with me so I can remember who I am.

We exchanged a note later and he sent me an autographed picture, which I really appreciated.

Mr. Carter has had a distinguished career after his term as president. You can present him to young people today and not be embarrassed.

He is 95 years old now and has suffered several falls. But he gets up and continues to serve people.

His service for others was evident in his favorite work with “Habitat for Humanity,” a group that builds homes for needy people. Here was Carter hammering nails. He also has been active in helping other nations with their problems.

In spite of a broken pelvis and a severe head injury from falls, he continues to teach a Sunday school class at the Plains, Georgia church he regularly attends.

His life has been a testament of service. Is it too much to ask our politicians, whom we support, to truly serve the people?


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