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Nominated for 2020 Nobel Peace Prize is a start

The Reporter's Notebook

Deny! Deny! Deny!

When it comes to climate change, that seems to be our current national policy.

This administration has systematically turned aside most climate policy tasks set by president Obama.

The climate change problem will never be solved from the top down. It is going to take a movement from the bottom up.

A 17-year-old girl from Sweden, Greta Thunberg, has been nominated for the 2020 Nobel Peace prize for her work in trying to get world leaders to focus more on climate change problems.

The U.S. has pulled out of the international body of nations that has met on climate change issues.

Our elected officials seem more intent on feathering their own nests, and they have some pretty large nests.

When meeting elected officials, I would have two questions for them: 1) What do you think about climate change, and 2) and what are you doing about it? Any unsatisfactory response would get a comment that the person wouldn’t get my vote.

Your vote does matter, and when you get enough people asking the same questions, you’ll get elected officials’ attention.

An organized social media campaign focused on voting out lawmakers who give only a nod to climate change will make an impression.

There are a number of Greta Thunburgs out there. We just need to create an environment where they can thrive.

That’s the bottom up approach.

Our elected officials won’t change until rising sea waters whip around their backsides or when they get cramps from hunger as our food chain becomes affected.

They are more interested in supplying guns to tyrants, with the end result more and bigger refugee camps scattered around the world.

What we really need is some curriculum changes in our schools so young people understand how serious the problem is. They need to learn how bad the problem is, what has caused it, and how we can work to slow the trend.

That completes the bottom-up approach to climate change.

Teachers need to include climate change in their teaching practices, and be allowed to do so.

School boards need to get on board.

It seems that we are waiting for our elected officials to get their heads out of the sand and start dealing with it. It isn’t going to happen; because the trend in the White House and Congress is denying that we are facing a crisis.

Our sons and daughters and grandchildren will be faced with the consequences of climate change; we need to get started.

It also becomes an individual issue, where everyone has a responsibility to do their share.


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