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I just got back from Tillmanville

The Reporter's Notebook


You won’t find it on a map. But if you are looking for it on a map try Elmer City.

Elmer City could just as well have been named Tillmanville.

The Tillman family has, and continues to be, a leading factor in this tiny village.

Through the years, members of the family have held positions in town government and do so today.

Mayor Jesse Tillman is currently getting his feet wet running town government.

Former town clerk was Renae Tillman. And currently, the public works director is (you guessed it) another Tillman, this one “Jimmer” Tillman.

“Jimmer” could easily handle positions elsewhere that pay a lot more than he is making now.

However, he loves the town and is 100% committed to staying put.

He has secured several important grants providing sidewalks, new streets and a walking path for residents. And he isn’t through. He also has been known to advise neighboring cities on securing grants.

It isn’t true that he possesses some kind of giant vacuum that just sucks in the grants.

The secret has been his personal relationship with grant people and that he submits complete plans so grant people can make sound judgements when awarding grants.

Jimmer regularly attends all the grant meetings, so he is well known in those circles.

He has a vision for the town and is inching his way towards it.

“Grand Dame” of the Tillmans is Dixie Tillman. While she currently doesn’t reside within town limits, her influence has been felt over the years.

Tillman family members own good chunks of land around the town.

Many people will remember the old Tillman Store that has remained empty for a number of years.

This included a grocery store and a hardware store.

Folks will remember the famous Tillman sandwiches. Oh, for another one. People would drop by the store for their lunch, usually one or two of the sandwiches.

Currently a member of the Tillman family is working to recondition the old store. Maybe someday the famous Tillman sandwiches will be available again.

Jimmer is also well known as a member of “Love Stitch,” a rock band well known around these parts.

He has been part of the band for more years than he would care to admit.

As town public works director, he advises the town council in technical matters.

He has assisted the town in pursuit of its own wastewater treatment plant.

Folks have learned that you can’t get half baked plans past the Jimmer.

When he isn’t doing something for the town, you will find him in the winter buried in some snow drift with his snowmobile, or in the summer with another toy.

So Tillmanville it is. What better name for a town that has been so influenced by one family.

The town is a bit “homespun,” and it was always a delight to cover its council meetings.


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