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A test of faith

During this time our patience can be tested to the extreme. With social media being flooded with everything from right to left, raging toilet paper shoppers, constant updates and, yes, even the sadness of cancelled weddings, funerals and appointments, we find ourselves in a social isolation aquarium not really knowing what is going on. The only thing we know for sure is that we are supposed to be separated and isolated. That can bring challenges of their own.

We find ourselves in a time that can only be compared to television shows or movies about pandemic situations. It is hard to know what to do. It is pretty clear by now that there are things we must do. Stay home when possible, when we must go out, we are to distance ourselves and be careful what we touch. Wash our hands after everything.

Luckily, with the advancements we are blessed with at the current time, we can call just about everyone we know, watch unlimited amounts of TV, and read anything we want. On Sunday, I was able to do something I would have never been able to do just 10 years ago. I was a part of six different church services in one day, and they were all live or recorded just a little earlier in the day.

Former Coulee-ites, Dwayne and Mellissa Turner are pastors of a church in Oroville, and after watching the worship from Bethel Church in Redding, California, I tuned into their message about showing the characteristics of Christ in this stressful time. I then tuned into the live stream from the Community Church in Coulee Dam. Pastor Paul spoke of Gideon and listening to what God is saying. Especially if it is to stop what you’re doing. The Elevation Church from the east coast also spoke of Gideon. Then Pastor Steve and Janice from Faith, also brought a message based on the same things the others were saying. I then tuned into the Apostolic Center in Connell, Washington, and was touched again by the message. Pastor Melkar touched on the same things as the others.

The one thing that jumped out at me was that this is a perfect time to have intimacy with our Lord. We are captured inside the four walls of our dwelling, and we have a lot of time to reconnect with the One that created us. Pray, read, pray again.

We also can find creative ways to reach out to our fellow man and woman. We have spoken to many friends this week whom we sometimes think we don’t have time for. We’ll have lots of time now. So reach out.

I have found myself reevaluating constantly what I actually call a need. I can live with far less than I currently have. It is kind of amazeballs, really. Guess what: There was actually a lot of stuff in the cupboards to make healthy food. I might change my tune in a few more weeks if this keeps going, but I think we can all make it. Especially if we do look out for each other.

We can look at our current situation through many different lenses. But let’s look at it through the lens of a test. A test of community, a test of priorities, a test of needs, and a test of faith.

I personally think we can all pass the test. Be smart, be careful and be faith-filled.


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