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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


5/13 - A man is being charged with theft, malicious mischief, and vehicle prowling. A woman parked on Midway Avenue had called police and said her vehicle had been prowled, and the ignition had been damaged. She called police again shortly after the initial call and said that she had confronted a man sitting in her car, who admitted to being the one who’d been in her car earlier. Police spoke to him at Safeway. He led an officer to a garbage can where he had placed stolen items from a car he’d prowled on Van Tyne Avenue. Grant County Jail was on covid-19 restrictions and not taking non-violent offenders, so the suspect wasn’t taken there, but “administratively” booked and released. 

5/18 - Both a man and a woman in an argument on Section Place wanted the other to leave their residence. An officer told them he couldn’t make either of them leave. They agreed to be civil and work things out in the morning.

- An Electric City woman received a voicemail said to be from Amazon, saying that an order would be shipped as soon as she completed payment. Her bank told her no charge was made, and they would cancel any made from Amazon. The woman was unable to contact Amazon regarding the matter, and wanted the police aware of the incident. 

5/19 - A woman was reportedly lying on Cardinal Road, possibly on drugs. No one was there upon police arrival.

- A woman on Division Street said that she believes someone, possibly from Nigeria, got ahold of her information and is collecting unemployment and social security under her name. She contacted those agencies and wanted to inform the police, as well. 

- A man woke up to his neighbor throwing rocks at his window then yelling at him. The two have a history of arguing over noise. An officer explained to the man who threw the rocks that noise is a part of apartment life and that he needs to quit yelling. The man continued to yell before going back into his apartment. 

5/20 - A Stevens Avenue man had another man banned from his property, showing the officer Ring doorbell footage showing the man walk up to his door. He said the man had no reason to be there. The other man was told he was banned. He said he’d gone there to inform the homeowner of a drone in the area he was tracking using bluetooth signals.

- Police assisted the Grant County Sheriff’s Office by responding to an alarm outside of Electric City limits along SR-155. A man was riding a lawnmower he’d got out of the garage of the place he rents; he was unaware the garage was connected to the alarm system.

- A woman on Van Tyne Avenue reported getting a call from Publishers Clearinghouse saying she’d won $3 million. The caller told her to mail a $500 cashier’s check to a South Carolina address, which she did. She also bought five eBay gift cards worth $200 each. The woman then called the actual Publishers Clearinghouse, who told her to call the police. Police told her to go to the post office to stop the cashier’s check, and she said she would try to return the eBay gift cards. The phone numbers of the callers were out of New York state and Jamaica.

Coulee Dam


5/20 - An officer spoke to a woman at the Exxon gas station because her truck didn’t have a front license plate. She explained she had been in an accident and showed the officer the plate on her dashboard. He told her to get it mounted as soon as possible. She also had a suspended license but was unaware of that. She no longer lived at the address on her driver’s license, and hadn’t told the Department of Licensing. She was cited for the suspended license.

5/21 - A man called the police to tell them that his tire came off while driving near Mead Way and Fir Street. He was able to find all the lug nuts, which he feels someone loosened as it was odd for them all to come off at the same time. He is going to check a neighbor’s security footage to see if it reveals anything.

- A driver was pulled over near Mead Way and Roosevelt Way when an officer ran his plates and license and saw he was suspended. The man showed signs of intoxication. He was arrested and taken to jail following a bit of a struggle. He didn’t want to perform a breath test, so an officer got a blood warrant to obtain some of his blood. At a hospital in Okanogan, during a struggle with multiple officers trying to restrain the man, he allegedly threatened the officer. A felony harassment charge was added to the driving-under-the-influence charge. 


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