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Updates given on fire station, laser show and visitor center

There is no known timeline yet for opening the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s visitor center at Grand Coulee Dam, or for the restart of what is normally the nightly Laser Light Show that begins Memorial Day weekend and plays all summer and most of the fall.

The COVID-19 pandemic has kept the Visitor Center closed and postponed the laser show and tours of the dam, said Lynne Brougher, public affairs specialist at Grand Coulee Dam. “The impacts to the schedule resulting from COVID are unknown and still developing at this time.”

“The reopening of the Visitor Center and resumption of tours and the laser show will be based on guidance from the Department of Interior and State of Washington,” Brougher told The Star in an email.

Construction continues on the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s fire station along SR-155, Brougher said. An estimated completion date was unavailable. 

The latest updates on the Visitor Center, tour, and laser show are available at:


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