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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


5/21 - A man was banned from a Burdin Boulevard residence following an argument with another man there. 

- A woman reported being a victim in the unemployment scam happening recently. 

- A man said his stepson put a trailer for sale on Facebook without his permission. He said he moved it so it wouldn’t get stolen. A truck bed box with several tools was missing. 

5/22 - People turned their music off following a noise complaint on Lakeview Avenue. 

- An officer on SR-155 pulled a vehicle over on SunBanks Resort Road for having an expired registration. The officer forgot to put his vehicle in park, and it rolled forward into the vehicle he pulled over. Another officer was called to do the accident report. There was minimal damage and no injuries.

- An officer helped with a fire response. There was a fire burning in a yard on First Street, including some items you’re not supposed to burn, such as copper wire coils. The homeowner extinguished the fire with a hose and was told about burn regulations in the city.

- A man was banned from the hardware store because he never returned a rented tile saw. The saw was stolen earlier, and the man told police, but not the hardware store.

- A woman reported that her information was used in an unemployment fraud. 

5/23 - A man reported multiple tools and a heater stolen from a garage broken into on Continental Heights. 

- Police responded to an argument at Osborne Bay, where a man yelled across the water at some people that they should speak English. They responded, in English, with the f-word directed at him. An officer told that man to mind his own business.

5/24 - Police responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle being pushed down an alleyway off of Dill Avenue. The vehicle was non-operational and had plates that didn’t belong to it. An officer took the plates. The people with the car said it was recently sold to someone else and they were pushing it because a neighbor had threatened to tow it. They were told to move it out of the right of way.

5/25- Three people were reported shooting air rifles at birds from kayaks at Osborne Bay. An officer located three people in a sagebrush area. They said they were hunting rabbits, not birds. They didn’t have hunting licenses and were told not to shoot anymore unless they had licenses.

5/26 - Deer antlers were reported stolen from a shed on Electric Boulevard.

- A man was banned from Continental Heights apartments at the request of the manager. 

5/27 - An officer assisted tribal police in a vehicle chase by placing spike strips at milepost 34 along SR-155. The officer’s assistance was no longer needed after the vehicle being chased turned around before reaching the spike strips.

- A man on A Street reported that someone had cut the locks on his storage unit and stolen multiple items, including a lawnmower, television, snow tires, and more. 

5/28 - Police took a man to jail following an incident at the Hill Street apartments in which he allegedly punched a hole in a wall while arguing with others at the apartment. The man allegedly resisted arrest and wrestled with an officer before being tased, at which point he became more cooperative. He is being charged with malicious mischief, assault on a law enforcement officer, obstruction, and resisting arrest.

- A man at Continental Heights apartments turned down his music after a manager asked police to speak to him. He said he was hard of hearing. 

- Police responded to a report of cattle in the roadway between Grand Coulee and Almira. The complainant called back and said she had been able to get the cattle behind the fence. 

- An incident on Roosevelt Drive included possible exposure of a woman’s butt and breast, reported as indecent. No-contact orders were suggested for both parties. 

5/29 - An intoxicated male was in his vehicle outside the Continental Heights apartments. He said he couldn’t walk and requested an ambulance. An ambulance came and took him to the hospital.

5/30 - A man was banned from a residence on Grand Avenue, where we was helping a caretaker who used to live there collect some of her things. He allegedly pushed the homeowner, who wanted him banned from the property.

- Police responded to a report of intoxicated people fighting at, and refusing to leave, the MPH High Dam Tavern after last call, and throwing rocks at the window. There was no damage to the window. At first, one man was permanently banned from the tavern, and another was banned from the business for 24 hours. But police were soon called back. The two men were pounding on the door of the tavern, upset about one of their pool sticks being in the tavern. That man actually had his pool stick, but thought it was inside. He was then also banned permanently from the tavern.

5/31 - A man was banned from a residence on Goodfellow Avenue by his ex-wife.

- A woman reported being attacked by a heeler-type of dog and some chihuahuas while near a car wash. The owner wasn’t home and is being cited for the dogs running at large and for being unlicensed.

- An officer responded to the casino in Coulee Dam at the request of a tribal police. A man refused to leave and said the police wouldn’t help him. The officer asked what he needed help with, but he didn’t answer, just continuing to rant about police refusing to help him. He eventually left. 

6/1 - A suspicious man was reported knocking on a Burdin Boulevard residence looking for someone who didn’t live there. Police found the man walking nearby and talked to him. He was wanted on arrest warrants and so was arrested and taken to jail. 

6/2 - Around midnight, a Continental Heights man heard banging outside, then saw a vehicle leave. The incident was reported as a possible burglary.

Coulee Dam Police

5/27 - A cable was ripped down off The Melody building, getting caught by a traffic striping truck as it left the parking lot. The owner of the striping company called the cable company. 

5/29 - An officer went to a home on Stevens Avenue where the door was open and no one was home. Nothing appeared missing and no forced entry was detected. The owners were contacted and told to call police if they found anything missing when they returned.


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