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Ida May Tuthill Femling Webber Goldman Alling Brown


Ida May Brown passed away peacefully of natural causes on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. Born August 10, 1921, in San Saba, Texas, to Henry Garfield and Ida May Aylor Tuthill, She was 5th of 10 children. When Ida May was three, the family moved to Los Angeles, California, when she was 10, they moved to Klickitat County, Washington. Ida May enjoyed 98 years of a life filled with love, compassion and giving to others.

At age 19, while working as a cook in a sheep camp, she married Art Femling. World War II saw them living in Vancouver, Washington where Art worked at the aluminum plant. After the war, they joined Art's brother in dairy farming north of Riverside, Washington. Later buying the adjoining 140 acres where they raised four children. While raising her family she endured many dairy and sheep farming challenges; plus, packed apples, served as postmaster of the Riverside Post Office and traveled many miles as a librarian on the 'Bookmobile".

She married Clifton Webber and moved to Davenport, Washington. Following Clifton's death, Ida May decided to fulfill her dream of becoming a registered nurse but needed to update some math classes before she could attend college. Never one to give up easily, she took math classes at Davenport High School to fulfill that requirement and then obtained her Nursing Degree from Spokane Community College. Ida May worked for many years as a Registered Nurse at the Lincoln County Hospital, married Noble Goldman and was an active member of the Methodist Church in Davenport, Washington.

Following retirement and the death of husband Noble, Ida May married Jim Alling and moved to Coulee Dam, Washington, attending services at the Grand Coulee Methodist Church. After Jim's death she met Charlie (Clarence) Brown who began driving her to church. The drives to church turned into longer drives and soon Ida May and Charlie were married. At that time Ida May was in her early 90's. She and Charlie enjoyed her remaining years together in their home sharing stories of lives well lived.

Ida May is preceded in death by Art Femling, Clifton Webber, Noble Goldman, James Alling and Grandson Ottis Femling. She is survived by husband Charlie Brown, children Bonnie Femling, Bud (Ethel) Femling, Gary (Terry) Femling, Joanne Femling (Joe) Pettit and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


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