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Katie Haven for Okanogan County commissioner

For the past couple months candidate Katie Haven, running for the District 2 Okanogan County Commissioner position, has been reaching out to voters in the County. She has been listening to us – our concerns, hopes, and needs, both individually and for the County’s future. She has done this through phone calls, online chat sessions, and walking neighborhoods to distribute her campaign literature that addresses her priorities, issues, and plans.

In every major town, residents have been interested and engaged. They have shared their ideas and asked pertinent questions. Most are surprised to see a candidate for county office walking the streets and asking them for their thoughts and concerns. Many do not know who holds the current commissioner spot.  Many do not care about the candidate’s affiliation; they care about their views and concerns.

The Twisp Valley Grange provided voters with a candidate forum last Thursday. There are clear choices and differences between the two candidates. 

Candidate Haven is the best option for District 2 and the County. She brings extensive leadership and experience with diverse groups; she knows how to bring distinct factions together for a common outcome; she is willing to listen instead of talk. 

We are faced with uncertainty and lots of change. We also need a clear and inclusive leader to move us through this time. Water issues, land development, planning, transportation, wildfires all are in flux.

Please vote early and vote for Katie Haven for District 2 Okanogan County Commissioner.

Nancy L. Pfeiffer



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