News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Staying with our students all the way

In just a few weeks, area voters will not only decide who to back in a presidential and gubernatorial election but will vote on the approval of a levy for the Grand Coulee Dam School District. This levy would be one additional dollar per thousand dollars of assessed property value. It requires a simple majority to pass if there is participation from a minimum of forty percent of voters who turned out in the last general election. Please vote!

If you’ve had the chance to get to know some LR students, you know how fun they are to talk to and how dedicated they are to their passions – academics, art, sports, and more. Maybe you also know they worry about their future and wonder what more they can do to prepare for it. They’re wise enough to navigate early adulthood when they get there, but they will always have our community to help them prepare for that day. The LR staff is part of that community. I’m sure you know some of the dedicated staff members who work hard to help students prepare themselves for the future. They’re your family, friends, and neighbors. 

As a parent of LR alums and current LR students, I’ve seen the dedication of the LR staff. If you were to drive by the main school building before the sun came up, you would see cars parked with their owners inside prepping lessons. If you drive by the school on a weekend afternoon, there is a good chance you would see the same thing. The levy would support teachers in their effort to prepare students for the unique problems they will face as they move into adulthood.

Our community is in it with them all the way. 

Please remember to vote!

Thank you,

Joe Tynan

Citizens for Quality Education


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