Colville Indian Housing Authority
ENCC Fire Rehab
1198 Bullrope St. Omak, WA 98841
1. Provide quotation on the Rehab of fire damaged building. (see scope of work).
The Colville Indian Housing Authority is requesting Quotations to furnish Labor and material for the above items as contained in the attached scope of work,
All work and materials will be as shown in the Scope of Work and Provisions to the Cotnract. The following documents are attached and will be included in and become part of the Contract Documents.
1. Form of Quote
2. Non-collusive affidavit (filled out and submitted with quote)
3. Statement Regarding Indian Preference (filled out and submitted with quote)
4. Representations, Certifications,, and other statements of bidders (filled out and submitted with quote)
5. Small Purchase Contract (sample)
6. Central Contractor Registry Clause
7. CCT Solid Waste Application (filled out and submitted with quote)
8. TERO Compliance and Utilization Plan ( filled out and submitted with quote)
9. Davis Bacon Wage Decision
Quotation must be submitted on the Form of Quotation, along with all attachments, as required in the Contract Documents and Specifications. All written quotations must be delivered to:
Colville Indian Housing Authority
P.O. Box 528
42 Convalescent Center Boulevard
Nespelem, Washington 99155
Faxed copies or e-mailed PDF version of proposal are acceptable. CIHA is not responsible for incomplete or late fax transmissions. FAS# (509) 634-2335/E-mail: CIHA will receive quotations no later than 3:00 PM (local time), November 4, 2020.
Any quotations received after the above time will not be considered and will returned to the proposer.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held on October 28, 2020 at 2:00 PM at 1198 Bullrope St. Omak, WA 98841.
Site location by Google Maps:
CIHA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to cancel or modify this RFP at its sole discretion if it determines it is in the best interest of CIHA to do so.
Award of contract will be based several rating factors used for small purchase methods of procurement as spelled out in the Federal Register Rules and Regulations Vol. 60 No. 68 sec. 950.165.
Award based on price. CIHA shall make award to the qualified Indian-owned economic enterprise or organization with the lowest responsive quotation if it is reasonable and no more than 10% higher than the lowest responsive quotation received. If no responsive quotation from a qualified Indian-owned economic enterprise or organization is within 10% of the lowest responsive quotation from any qualified source, then award shall be made to the source with the lowest quotation.
Schedule of Completion: Schedule of Completion for this project will be no more than 56 consecutive calendar days from the start to finish.
NOTE: Before a contract can be executed the Contractor and any sub-contractors must provide proof of liability insurance and auto insurance. They must provide Washington State Industrial Insurance or equivalent if the Contractor or Sub Contractor plans to hire employees. Any entities submitting a proposal must also submit a signed copy of the Statement on Indian Preference.
All TERO and TOSHA regulations shall be adhered to in the performance of this contract work. Indian preference will be given in the award of contracts “to the greatest extent feasible” as determined in sec 7 (b) of the Indian Self Determination and Education Act (25 U.S.C. 450e (b). Davis Bacon (WA 109) will be in effect on this work. (See attached)
For additional information concerning this Request for Quotations, please Jason Clark at (509) 634-2166 or e-mail:
City of Electric City, Washington
On the 19th day of March 2020 the City of Council of Electric City passed the following ordinance. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the titles, provides as follows:
Ordinance #: 568-2020
An Ordinance of the City of Electric City Temporarily Removing the Charge of Interest and Late Fees on Utility Accounts; Delaying Termination for Non-Payment; and Declaring an Emergency
On the 28th day of July 2020 the City of Council of Electric City passed the following ordinance. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the titles, provides as follows:
Ordinance #: 569-2020
An Ordinance Repealing, Renaming, and Replacing Electric City Municipal Code Chapter 2.30, Titled "Planning Agency" with Chapter 2.30, Titled "Planning Commission."
On the 11th day of August 2020 the City of Council of Electric City passed the following ordinance. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the titles, provides as follows:
Ordinance #: 570-2020
An Ordinance of the City of Electric City Temporarily Removing the Charge of Interest and Late Fees on Utility Accounts; Delaying Termination for Non-Payment; and Declaring an Emergency (Extension of expiration date to #568-2020)
On the 8th day of September 2020 the City of Council of Electric City passed the following ordinance. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the titles, provides as follows:
Ordinance #: 571-2020
An Ordinance Repealing, Renaming, and Replacing Electric City Municipal Code Chapter 2.30, Titled "Planning Agency" with Chapter 2.30, Titled "Planning Commission." (modification of #569-2020 to commissioner term length and number of commissioners)
(Publish October 28, 2020)
City of Grand Coulee, Washington
On the 20th day of October 2020, the City Council of the City of Grand Coulee, Washington, passed Ordinance No. 1072. This Ordinance will be effective the 2nd day of November 2020. A summary of the content of said Ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows:
The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request.
DATED this 21st day of October 2020.
(Publish October 28, 2020)
Town of Coulee Dam
Budget Workshop
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Budget Workshop will be held for the Coulee Dam Town Hall via teleconference on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. T
eleconference information can be obtained by contacting Town Hall, 509-633-0320, or by visiting
Stefani Bowden, Clerk/Treasurer
(Publish October 28, 2020)
Town of
Coulee Dam
Public Notice
October 28, 2020, 1:00 p.m.
To the citizens of the Town of Coulee Dam, Washington, the Town Council of the Town of Coulee Dam, Washington will conduct a Special Council Meeting on
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 1:00pm. The sole purpose of this meeting is to conduct an Executive Session. Citizens will not be provided access to this meeting.
Item’s on the agenda:
Executive Session:
a. Estimated time of 1.5 hours – under RCW 42.30.110 (1) (c) To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public;
No other business will be discussed. No action will be taken.
Stefani Bowden,
(Publish October 28, 2020)
Town of
Coulee Dam
Public Notice
Ordinance 787 – amending Ordinance No. 786 declaring an emergency in the City of Coulee Dam due to COVID-19.
Ordinance 788 - amending the 2020 budget of the Town of Coulee Dam, as adopted in ordinance no. 779.
Full and complete copies of the above ordinances are available at Town Hall during normal business hours.
Stefani Bowden
Clerk / Treasurer
(Publish October 28, 2020)
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