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Community should realize division and school staff fear

The other day I made a public information request for documents concerning the GCD School District Board meeting on Nov. 9th, 2020. One item I asked for was a copy of Form 1430F, Request to be Placed on the Board Agenda. This form is to be filled out by the public if they wish to be placed on the agenda to make a presentation during the “public comments” portion of a school board meeting. The Superintendent is to read and approve the request, confirming it doesn’t have anything construed as “singling out” or of a discriminatory nature.

I didn’t receive a copy of the approved form even though a presentation was made by an elementary teacher who singled out the many teachers and staff who are staying home because of COVID-19. Why would this have been allowed at this particular meeting? Was it because the Superintendent wanted to use this loud individual to push his agenda of bringing students back to school sooner than the board originally decided? Is that why there isn’t a copy of the form, because he wanted deniability if more was said that has divided the school staff into two groups of Plain Belly and Star Belly Sneeches? Perhaps the form was signed but because the actual policy/procedure behind it wasn’t followed, he could be accused of greater charges so he chose the lesser of the two evils?

I may never know, but I hope the community and school directors start looking at the many loyal staff members who — for whatever reason — are scared and are now being threatened to jump in the machine that will, painfully, slap a star on thars.

Donna DeWinkler

Elmer City


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