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Uninformed opinion on public health should qualify chairman to resign

If your family member or loved one is employed by Okanogan County, I would be seriously concerned due to:

The attitude of County Commissioner DeTro, chairman of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Health. 

Recent positive Covid tests of 11 inmates and four staff, along with 23 exposures at the county jail (not to mention 16 recently confirmed Covid-related deaths at North Valley Extended Care.)

On Dec. 7, 2:21 p.m., the County Planning Department supervisor expressed her employees’ distress due to a recent unidentified positive test in the building. Other concerns included people inside the building walking around visiting while at least one employee has a compromised immune system. She came to the commissioners for guidance but received little support from the chairman.

When Commissioner Branch recommended abiding by Covid rules also in the commissioners’ meeting room, DeTro’s response was, “You’re not gonna get me to turn into an Inslee, I’ll tell you that.” When Branch stated he was just doing a reality check, DeTro responded: “Well, one reality check is that a little over 1 million people died of Covid worldwide, but over 8 million people starve to death each year, and nobody says nothing.” Branch’s suggestion went unaddressed by the other commissioners, who changed the subject.

My message to Jim Detro is this: You are obviously unaware of the non-profit organizations fighting tragic hunger worldwide and in the USA. You were also not elected to solve problems of world hunger, but you did sign the oath to “diligently and impartially perform the duties of County Commissioner.” If you can’t leave your personal politics and uninformed opinion out of public health issues, you should resign. 

For videos of commissioners’ meetings, including mask wearing and social distancing (especially Nov. 2), see or

Isabelle Spohn



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