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The captain who took the ship down with him

President “only I” committed political suicide during the final days of his term. Unfortunately, the pirate captain took the Republican ship down with him. His hour long, January 2nd, phone rant to Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger revealed, unequivocally, what some insiders knew and other people suspected about President Trump’s character flaws and his willingness to subvert American democracy. President Trump’s incitation of his fanatic followers resulted, on January 6th, in an assault on the United States Congress while in session in the U.S. Capitol building, an act that embarrassed the United States before the entire world.

President Trump was a dynamic personality, but a personality cult is not a good substitute for a political party policy platform.  A contingent of 147 Republicans who are elected members of the U.S. Congress seemed to have difficulty with elementary arithmetic, not recognizing the difference between 81 million votes and 74 million votes.  Their refusal to acknowledge reality contributed to the chaos that belittled American democracy.

The United States must now attempt to repair a damaged reputation and regain the trust of the world. America was widely perceived as the keystone of democracy, an image that is now shattered. We have serious and competent competitors who must be gloating.   

 The news media reported that some of the rioters were justifying their forceful entrance into the Capitol building by saying the building belongs to the people.  They might be wise to remember that federal prisons are also publicly owned property.

Republican misdirection was introduced by former leader of the House Newt Gingrich, who shut down part of the national government. We elect people to govern. The United States needs a fully functional national government continuously. During the past few decades, radical ideas have surfaced among Republicans. For example, a North Carolina state legislator proposed publicly hanging doctors who perform abortion services. There are legitimate political positions for and against abortion. Middle Ages barbarism is not acceptable. Yet, no prominent Republican exhibited the moral courage to condemn the radical views that surfaced from time to time.

The Republican Party now needs to do a soul-searching examination of its operation or risk becoming divided and irrelevant.

Jack Stevenson is retired. He served two years in Vietnam as an infantry officer, retired from military service, and worked three years as a U.S. Civil Service employee. He also worked in Egypt as an employee of the former Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Currently, he reads history, follows issues important to Americans, and writes commentary for community newspapers.


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