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School board updated on propaganda controversy, investigation

Superintendent Paul Turner told the Grand Coulee Dam School District Board of Directors on Monday that an investigative report should be ready later this week concerning an incident in which someone left religious/political propaganda on the desks of 11 teachers at Lake Roosevelt Elementary School. 

Sometime during the weekend of Jan. 5-6, someone left black-and-white copies featuring the writings of Kim Clement on the teachers’ desks. 

Clement’s prophecies are for sale in several books on, and a “House of Destiny” website offers, “Kim Clement Prophecies from 2013 & 2015 - Blackouts, World Wars and More! It’s time to look at these prophecies again!” 

In videos of him on stage singing at a keyboard, his prophecies touch on international and domestic subjects in politics.

The distribution of the copied materials upset members of the school community. 

At Monday’s board meeting, Turner told the board that an investigator hired to look into the incident had been interviewing staff, and that a full report is expected later this week. 

Turner said whoever distributed the materials had a key to enter the school and did not use a key card to enter. 

He also said that there are policies against staff distributing unsolicited materials at school. 

“This is a personnel issue and will be dealt with as such,” Turner said.

Asked by board Director Carla Marconi if the investigator interviewed all the staff, Turner replied that he wasn’t sure if all had been interviewed or only some. 

Marconi followed up by asking who was scheduled to work the weekend the materials were distributed, to which Turner replied that they would talk about it during an executive (closed) session later in the meeting. 

The board was anticipating a long executive session to discuss the matter.


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