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GCHS Alumni Association to meet

The winter meeting of the Grand Coulee High School Alumni Association will take place Wednesday, February 17, 2021, at 1 p.m., at the Senior Center, 203 Main Street in Grand Coulee. The meeting will be held with social distancing and masks are required.

A major subject for discussion will be the All-Class Reunion scheduled for August 13-15, 2021.

Scholarship applications will be available at the meeting, with May 1, 2021, being the deadline for mailing applications for consideration for this year’s awards. All LRHS Seniors are eligible to apply, as are other high school seniors and continuing education college students who are descendents of anyone who attended Grand Coulee School District 55 previous to consolidation the fall of 1971.

Scholarship applications are also available by contacting the scholarship chairman: or 633-0190.


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