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Events scheduled for 2021

Popular local events that didn't happen last year are at least tentatively scheduled to happen this year.

The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will tentatively be hosting 10 events in 2021, including Colorama, the Festival of America, and Harvest Festival. 

"We are really looking forward to providing the community with some fun and excitement this summer," Executive Director Rachelle Haven told The Star in an email. "We have the opportunity with our events to try new things and create a new 'normal' for the year. Everyone can look forward to our market and food vendors, new activities, and an alternative parade. We are currently still working out many details and watching the Washington State guidelines very closely."

With the state not yet having even defined what the next phase in progressing through the pandemic recovery will look like in terms of restrictions on gathering, the chamber is trying to make plans to abide by either the current Phase 2 restrictions, or whatever Phase 3 looks like.

The first events coming up are planned under current guidance, including a take-out-only crab feed, and a fishing tournament.

The events scheduled for 2021 are: 

Community Crab Feed - April 17

Triple Fish Challenge - April 17-18

Colorama Festival and Rodeo - May 7-9

Colorama Color-Run - May 8

Koulee Kids Fest - June 19

Festival of America - July 3-4

Community Seafood Boil - Aug. 14

Harvest Festival - Sept. 17-19

Run the Dam - Sept. 18

Vintners & Brewers Tasting & Auction - Dec. 4.


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