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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


3/22 - A woman reportedly stepped into traffic near the Electric City Post Office and slapped a vehicle as it passed. Police had numerous complaints about her. An officer told her if she didn’t stop she would be arrested for disorderly conduct. After speaking with the woman, the officer found she was homeless and told her about other communities that may have more services for someone in her situation.

3/23 - A man on Williams Street reported a 100-watt solar panel stolen off his back porch. He said it was charging a car battery. He described the panel to an officer and said it was worth about $100. 

3/24 - Police responded to an incident involving a Jeep Grand Cherokee on its roof on SR-155 near the Grand Coulee Dam. According to the Grand Coulee Police report, witnesses told Coulee Dam Police the driver had overcorrected after rounding a corner into the wrong lane, with the vehicle landing on its roof. Grand Coulee Police recognized the vehicle as belonging to a man with a suspended license wanted on arrest warrants. An officer looked in the vehicle and observed empty alcohol containers, including an empty tequila bottle. A witness said the driver took off on foot headed south. At the overlook just above the dam, other witnesses said the driver jumped over the guardrail there heading towards the shore of Lake Roosevelt. Looking over the ledge, an officer saw the suspect and pursued him down an embankment, finding him hiding behind a large bush. He was soaking wet, having fallen into the water, but still smelled of alcohol, the police report states. He wasn’t cuffed as they had to climb back up the embankment, which the man said he was capable of, although he had a small cut on his head and said he was sore. While walking up the hill, the suspect asked the officer to charge him with the least amount of charges he could. After they made it back to the roadway, the man was cuffed, and transported to the hospital where the officer stood by until Washington State Patrol arrived.

3/28 - Police responded to a report of a downed power line at Kelso Avenue and Sunny Drive. Police didn’t hear any popping or buzzing noises and presumed the wire was not live. The Electric City Fire Department arrived and cleared the wire from the road, and the officer and fire department left the scene. 

3/29 - A woman was banned from a Kelso Street residence. The homeowner didn’t want the woman there. She was in a camper on his property and told police she was looking for a thing. Police told her she wasn’t allowed to be in the camper because it wasn’t hers.

Coulee Dam


3/26 - A woman was supposed to check out of the Columbia River Inn March 21, but on the 23rd, housekeeping observed items still in the room. Relatives of the woman were contacted and were going to store the items. When they entered the room, they found additional items there, including a PlayStation 4, a dog crate and bowl, and a pistol. Police were contacted and observed the pistol in a box with magazines for it. Police ran the serial number and found it was not registered. The pistol was taken by police for safekeeping.

3/27 - A Spokane Valley man explained to police that his grandmother’s Facebook had been hacked and she had been receiving calls from a Coulee Dam phone number claiming to be from the State Gun Buying Department. An officer explained these calls were scams, that the numbers should be blocked, and the man should contact the Spokane County Sheriff’s Department. 

3/28 - A man reportedly yelling at drivers for not stopping at a stop sign near Harvest Foods had spoken to an employee about it, saying they should pay attention because there are kids playing there. The man had left prior to police arrival.


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