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4th of July Canoe Border Crossing is coming

This year will be the 20th Anniversary of the First Nations People crossing the border on Osoyoos Lake, paddling cottonwood dugout canoes from Osoyoos to Oroville. The crossing is to let all our People and the local communities to know and remind them that the border between the two countries has never and will never separate our People. The ceremony is held sacred in our hearts. Many Bands and Tribes are joining the Okanogan People helping us celebrate unity of the People of the First Nations.

Herman and Joanne Edward are the ones that have made sure that the sacred event has continued for these last 20 years. We are grateful for the dedication and passion they have given to this journey. We hope more of you can come and help celebrate this event the afternoon of the 4th of July at Veterans Memorial Park in Oroville.

The journey began 20 years ago with the “Unity Trek” in 2001. When seven bands of the Okanagan Tribe paddlers and Okanagan cottonwood canoes made the journey from the Head of the Lake Band #1, near Vernon, B.C. and ended at Brewster, WA. Paddlers paddled more than 200 miles in two weeks. The Unity Trek brought our First Nations People together and we celebrated the 4th of July grounds at Nespelem. It was a glorious event and remembered by all who attended. The Unity Trek continued for five years, although the Border Crossing Canoe Paddle has continued annually since 2001.

We would like to see more paddlers from across the Colville, Spokane, Kootenay and Kalispel People come and begin the journey at the Osoyoos Indian Band Nk’Mip Park the day before. We could use some help of course, because it is not sponsored by any Band or Reservation with exceptions of the Osoyoos Indian Band who are very good to us.

I hope we see you there on that Saturday the 3rd at Nk’Mip or the 4th at Veterans Memorial Park. We should make this a special event. You can contact Herman or Joanne Edward at and (250) 499-1374 or (250) 807-8813.


Arnie Marchand

an Okanagan Indian and a member

of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation


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