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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


5/18 - Police located the owner of a vehicle abandoned along SR-155 where a new fog line was being painted. The owner moved the vehicle. 

- A man thought a trailer hitch was stolen off of his truck, but later told police he found it and that it must have fallen off the truck.

5/19 - A man suspected of illegal dumping was actually just removing parts from a truck on property that he owns.

- A man who went into North Cascades Bank was acting unusual and spoke about wanting to be violent towards people. Police located the man at the Eagles where he explained he was frustrated about people stealing from him and was only venting while at the bank.

5/20 - Police gave a man on Second Street a ride to a friend’s house after an argument with his wife in which, he said, he’d grabbed her wrist to protect his X-Box.

5/21 - Police documented incidents at SunBanks Resort in which a resident whom the resort is working to evict would wave down employees driving at the resort and talk to them about random topics such as “army stuff” and “eagle feathers.” A lawyer suggested the resort get the incidents documented by police.

- A man on Coulee Boulevard reported three guns stolen from an unlocked cabinet while he was asleep in a garage that had been converted into a living quarters and office. No other items were discovered. The guns were valued at over $3,000. There are no suspects or security footage. 

- Police checked on a woman on Wenatchee Avenue after being asked to do so by her daughter. The woman was in good spirits and said she would call her daughter.

- Police twice told a party in a courtyard area of the SkyDeck Motel to turn their music off and to start shutting the party down following noise complaints. 

5/24 - A driver appeared uninjured after driving through a chainlink fence near the overlook just below Grand Coulee Dam and driving about 10 feet down an embankment. The driver said all he remembered was being pulled out of the vehicle by bureau fire fighters. There was about $4,000 damage done to the vehicle and $2,000 in damage done to the fence.

5/25 - A Coulee Gas employee turned a wallet into police that contained various cards as well as hundreds of dollars in cash and a casino receipt for pennies. Police were unable to find a phone number for the man and so decided to hold onto the wallet for safekeeping until he is able to claim it.

- Police went to Burdin Boulevard for an incident in which a younger man was throwing items out of his truck, and a woman had a fishing hook stuck in her shorts, and the pair was yelling. An older man had taken photos to document the incident, but said no assault had taken place. The younger man, upset about photos being taken of him, thought the older man may had been reporting a threat as he had raised his fist towards the older man during the incident. 

5/26 - A woman said that while she had been rounding a corner along SR-155 near North Dam, a deer had jumped in front of her Jeep. She struck and killed it. The deer was dragged off the roadway and photos were taken of the damage to her car.

- A Grand Coulee officer helped a Colville Tribal Police officer by locating a woman whose purse was found at the Coulee Dam Casino. The woman was living in a tent near Second Street, where an officer found her and had her speak to the tribal officer through speaker phone. The woman explained her purse was taken. The tribal officer said there was a meth pipe inside, and wasn’t pressing charges but needed signed consent to “search” the purse and recover the smoking device.

- An officer suggested a Burdin Boulevard man chain his dog up after a reported incident of the dog chasing a man on his bike. The dog was in the yard, but the owner said the dog sometimes finds a way to push through the gate. 

- An officer ran the plates of a car parked in a Yakima Street address and found it was stolen. He spoke with a resident of the address who said that a friend from Omak had brought the vehicle there after purchasing it from someone in Wenatchee. The car was eventually towed after police were unable to contact the registered owner, who was eventually reached and told how to get her car.

5/27 - Police responded to Columbia Avenue in Coulee Dam where no Coulee Dam officers were available to respond to a man lying in the fetal position on the sidewalk. The man seemed confused and had difficulty speaking. He was unable to say if he had hit his head, where he was walking to or from. He did know the day of the week, but not the name of the current president. He was wanted on an arrest warrant but the jail would not take him due to booking restrictions. An officer said the man may be having a stroke or other medical condition and gave him a ride to the hospital to get checked out, and explained the situation to the staff. 

- A man was reported as masturbating in a passenger car with dealer plates parked at Safeway. Police didn’t observe such a thing upon arrival.

- The owner of a car blocking mail boxes on Roosevelt Drive said they would move it.

5/28 - A car parked on Diamond Street had a window broken out. The owner of the car said it may have been a man from Spokane who is dating his ex-girlfriend and had sent him a Facebook message saying “nice car.”

- A man on Palmer Avenue spoke to police. He had blood on his finger and lip. The man said he and his girlfriend argued while she was intoxicated. She broke a glass object and threw it in the trash. The man reached into the trash to see what it was and cut his finger, and then put the injured finger in his mount, explaining the blood on his lip. The woman was so intoxicated she couldn’t describe what happened to police and was unaware of the injured finger. The man said he’d go for a walk and she’d be asleep by the time he got back home.

- A woman reported that her sister wasn’t giving her car back. The car was pulled over near Alcan Road and Spokane Boulevard. No charges were filed, a man drove the car back to where it belonged, and the sister walked home.

5/28 - Police told a man who loaned his debit card to a stranger and gave her his pin number to buy beer that it was a bad idea to give a stranger your debit card.

- A man at the Center Lodge Motel was taken to jail for assault following an incident in which he allegedly struck his girlfriend in the jaw. Police observed minor swelling on her jaw and the motel room in disarray. The man said he was acting in self-defense and that they were arguing because he liked another woman’s Facebook post, leading his girlfriend to start hitting him. 

5/29 - Police drove to Osborne Bay for a noise complaint of loud music playing. Police heard music playing somewhere in the area upon arrival, but then it stopped. Police waited to see if the music started again, but it did not. 

- A catalytic converter was sawed off the muffler of a business’ delivery truck. 

- Police pulled over a car suspected of being driven under the influence because of some erratic lane travel and sudden braking. The driver did not appear intoxicated but was tired and wearing medical scrubs. She said she would pull over to rest if she felt she couldn’t drive safely. 

Coulee Dam Police

5/24 - Fishing poles and a PlayStation 2 were reported stolen from a Cedar Street garage, with the total value estimated to be less than $100.

5/25 - Police spoke to a man sitting in his vehicle drinking a beer while parked at the school. The man admitted to having one drink of beer. The officer poured out the rest of the beer and advised the man to go home and to not bring alcohol onto school property.

5/30 - An officer explained to a Camas Street woman that she would have to ask another woman to leave her residence or go through a formal eviction process after the complainant explained that she wanted the other woman out of the house because she had taken her car without her permission.


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