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Thoughts about my father for Father's Day

Being a father of three, I understand how important fathers are to their kids. My three amazing children - Emmaline (10), Malyala (8), and Callaway (6) are a tribute to my parents. I wish I could take full credit for the way they are, but I can't. 

Growing up, my dad wasn't around the house much; he was busy running a restaurant to provide financially for his family. He worked six days a week from 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 at night. I have heard him share several times that all he did was "wake up, go to work, come home, and go to bed." I don't recall him ever complaining about his job. I think his only complaint is why he never had his three kids start working sooner (free labor)! 

I began working at the restaurant at a young age and continued through high school. If I wanted to hang out with my dad, it was done at work. 

I saw how he took pride in his job and business. I also can't recall a day when he stayed home because he was sick. I don't think he ever got sick. He is a man of steel. He built one of the most successful businesses in town and it couldn't have succeeded if it were not for his hard work ethic. He taught me how to work.  He taught me to provide for my family. He taught me to bless others. He taught me to get up, go to work, go home, and go to bed. I owe my livelihood to him.  His sacrifice to work day and night has given me so much today. 

Kachane Piturachsatit, thank you for being such a wonderful father, husband, and grandparent. We all love you very much. I also wanted to extend my appreciation to several other fathers who helped mentor me while my dad was at work. I have fond memories of these fathers teaching me skills related to sports, how to survive in the woods while camping, how to shoot guns and hunt animals, how to ski down black diamonds, and believe in Biblical Truth - Bob Hendrickson, Phil Hansen, Dave Winzer, and Gary Darnold are four men that helped my dad mold me into the person I am today.  Thank you all. 

"She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father." - Harper Lee. 

Happy Father's Day to all you Dads!


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