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Explanation needed for lack of training gunfire notice

(Editor’s note: The writer asked that his letter to Bureau of Reclamation Power Manager Coleman Smith be included on this opinion page)

Dear Mr. Smith:

I am writing in regard to an incident that happened last night, July 22. At about 10:30 PM we were startled by loud automatic weapons fire up towards the top of the east side of the dam. I was extremely alarmed by this situation as the gunfire was

coming from multiple locations. As you are aware the Grand Coulee Dam is considered a target and has lots of security in place. We all know this. The shooting went on for a long period of time and I seriously considered fleeing the area. We have company from out of town who have children with them. We were all very frightened as we have never encountered this in the 35 years of living here in Coulee Dam. I seriously thought the dam was under attack and was not sure what to do. I called 911 and they informed me that it was an exercise with the army. I was then able to work on calming my family and friends down. The firing went on for quite some time after that. Large caliber machine guns are extremely loud, and we are living in unprecedented and very unsettling times.

This morning I called the local police, Okanogan County Sheriff, Coulee Dam city hall, and others looking for an explanation as to why we were not informed of this event beforehand and to let them know my concerns and fears. I am asking you why we weren’t informed of this prior to last night when it all began. I have heard from many other local citizens who were also very upset and concerned. I know we have multiple veterans who suffer with PTSD, and this could cause serious issues with them. I believe you owe our community an explanation. I will continue to work on this issue and look forward to your response to me and our community.

Bob Hendrickson


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