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Covid cases at a minimum locally

Vaccination status varies

There have only been a few cases of Covid locally in the past month. 

Since June 30, when The Star last reported local covid numbers, there have been zero cases reported from Grant County Public Health for the Grand Coulee and Electric City area of the county, with a total of 48 in those cities since the pandemic began.

According to Okanogan Public Health, Coulee Dam has seen 68 total cases, up one since June 30, and Nespelem has seen three new cases since that date for a total of 83.

Elmer City has stayed at a total of 20 cases.

OPH breaks down vaccination information by ZIP code. Elmer City’s, 99124, shows 212 out of 291 people, or 73% of the population being fully vaccinated, the second highest percentage in the county behind only Brewster’s 85%.

Coulee Dam’s ZIP code, 99116, shows 735 out of 1,437 people being vaccinated or 51%.

Nespelem is also at 51% with 690 out of 1,350 people being vaccinated.

A note included with the data explains that population estimates are from the state Office of Financial Management from 2020, and that vaccination percentages for the county include 3,200 seasonal workers on H-2A visas, who are not included in full-time resident population estimates.

Vaccinations administered by Indian Health Services are not included in the data.

Data by ZIP code are currently not available from Grant County.

According to the Washington State Department of Health, 47.9% of those 12 and older are fully vaccinated in Grant County, compared to 61.9% statewide.

According to local health districts, Grant County has seen 11,034 total cases including 134 deaths; Okanogan County has seen 2,880 Covid cases, including 37 deaths; Douglas County has seen 3,976 cases, including 22 deaths; and Lincoln County has seen 708 total cases, including 11 deaths.


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