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School district document addresses health questions

A document released by the Grand Coulee Dam School District answers some questions related to COVID-19 and health protocols at the school. 

The document explains that the district’s guidance on the topic of health comes from the Centers for Disease Control, the Washington State Department of Health, Washington Labor and Industry, Region 7 Public Health, and Okanogan County Public Health. 

“The start of the 2021-2022 school year will be more like our typical non-COVID year,” the document says. “All students are in person, five days a week. Sick students or those with ill household members may not come to school.”

The document touches briefly on multiple topics, including:

Screening - “Students and staff will participate in a screening process for proper masking and COVID symptoms or exposures, similar to the 2021 school year. This screening will continue for at least one month for students, and indefinitely for staff.”

Bussing - ​​”Check with your child’s school office, or the school district website, for the most recent details on bus stops and times. Students will be screened on busses for at least the first

month of school. Properly fitted and worn masks are a requirement to ride the bus. Sick students, or those with ill household members may not come to school or ride the bus.”

Vaccinations - “Students are not required to receive the COVID vaccine at this time. Students age 12 and up may receive the Pfizer vaccine. All staff and volunteers are required to

show proof of full-vaccination or waiver status by October 18, per Governor Inslee.”

Masking - Proper masks “worn above the nose and below the mouth are required of all persons entering the building, riding the bus or attending indoor events.”

Hygiene - “Proper handwashing continues to be one of the best defenses against illness. In addition to handwashing, students and staff are encouraged to use the hand sanitizer stations located throughout the building, when handwashing is not readily available. CDC guidelines are

used for classroom sanitation.” 

Social distancing - “Students in classrooms will social distance at 3 feet whenever possible. Staff will social distance at 6 feet from other staff and students. All persons will social distance as near to 6 ft as possible when eating (masks off). Proper masking is a requirement regardless of social distancing, except when eating or outside.”

Communication & contact tracing - “The school reports positive cases and known close contacts to Okanogan Public Health. We also participate in contact tracing with our area partners. Parents/guardians are informed by school staff of close contacts or positive cases in their student’s classrooms, though student-specific information is not shared.”

COVID Flow Chart - “The most recent guidance for attending school after possible exposure or development of symptoms is located on [] Health room staff are available

to answer questions and help determine appropriate quarantine and return dates.”

Those with more questions are asked to call the high school at 633-1442

or the elementary at 633-0730.


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