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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


10/6 – Police responded to a report of harassment from a man at North Dam who said he was afraid of his former wife who always carries a firearm. He said court papers had been served on him during his child custodial time and claimed it was a violation of a court order. Police advised him to have a child custodian contact the court about the violation, but then could find no such protection orders for either party.

10/8 – Police stopped and ticketed a driver for an expired registration, having no insurance, failure to carry a signed registration, and not carrying his driver license. A warrant for his arrest was valid but the county jail would not accept him.

Police responded to F Street in Grand Coulee where a dog had reportedly pushed through a neighbor’s fence and had nearly bitten a child. Profanity and raised voices ensued. The dog owner said he would look into fixing the fence.

10/9 – Police stopped the same driver stopped a day earlier for expired tabs and who had now apparently removed the plates from the same vehicle that had been stopped “to avoid further traffic stops - for the expired tabs,” the officer surmised. He issued an infraction for not having a plate. The jail still wouldn’t take him due to booking restrictions. The officer wrote that he did not have authority to impound the tan 2003 GMC Sierra under the circumstances and under current state law.

After a report of littering between the grain silos and North Dam, police found a pink envelope with the name and address of an Electric City woman. She said she didn’t recognize the junk, but her son might have done it. Police talked to him with photographs of the scene, but he thought those were items his mom would use.

Police reunited an owner with his stolen bike after a Grand Coulee man called stating one had been left at his house. The finder had also fixed the broken brakes.

Police viewed photos on a found camera, determined who the owner was and returned it to its owner.


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