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National leader recognizes local WWII veterans

The National Commander of the American Legion recognized two local veterans of World War II Monday at a luncheon at the local legion post in Electric City.

Elmer Rinard and Fred Long will both celebrate their 99th birthdays this month.

National Commander Paul E. Dillard and Washington State Department Commander Rick Sucee visited with veterans at their Grand Coulee Dam Post 157.

Dillard is making a tour through the state and had several stops before and after the lunch.

But he made a point of shaking the hands of Long and Rinard, thanking them for their service and explaining that he'd just been urging members of Congress to pass the WWII Veterans Hospital and Medical Eligibility Act, which would eliminate a means test for all WWII veterans for Veterans Administration medical care.

The same was done in 1996 for veterans after the Spanish American War and World War I.

"We think it's nothing but right to do this for World War II veterans while you're still with us," Dillard said. "We're losing too many of you too quick each and every day."

He said fewer than 300,000 veterans of the Second World War remain in the entire nation.

"We need to recognize y'all and thank y'all," said Dillard, a Texan. "We hope it gets passed, and we want to thank y'all for your service and what you've done for our nation."

About 40 attended the luncheon, including several recognized by Post Commander Jim Brakebill as special guests: Mayor Diane Kohout, of Electric City; Mayor Pro Tempore Tom Poplawski, Grand Coulee; Mayor Bob Poch, Coulee Dam; Chief John Tufts, Grand Coulee Police; and Grant County Commissioner Danny Stone.


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