Previously I’d mentioned how much I appreciate The Star seeking input by polling our community about the upcoming school levies. People need to be heard and I’m proud of those who’ve studied the issue and logically responded. Maybe the only real avenue they have. It takes courage to go against the establishment, but I can tell you these folks are not against kids. They see a lack of balance and dysfunction over time. Most of us love our local school district but the elected officials and superintendent are out of touch in many ways. Looking over the voters’ pamphlets in the four counties who have our levies on their ballots, I noticed as I’ve mentioned prior, that most requests are not only at $1.50 total with their request but below this mark. One is only asking $.98 cents per $1,000 property valuation. As property values skyrocket requested amounts can go down and school districts can still get the amounts they feel they need.
Beyond the excessive levy requests presently, I’m more concerned about a pattern that shows a blatant lack of sound human dynamics at the highest levels in the organization. Having an attitude where people who question are shunned or worse has led to a significant lack of support and trust as shown in The Star’s poll.
Wonderful people who’ve worked or work for the district and community members who’ve always spoken proudly are now walking away.
Ineffective, reactive management instead of quality leadership continues to prevail. The latest example is the superintendent’s response to the Star poll. He did not genuinely say I greatly appreciate our community members speaking up. I feel we’re out of touch! He basically said if we don’t get our way we’ll be looking at cutting all this stuff. If the school district is as broke as he’s claimed previously then he needs to look at stepping up, leading by example, taking on more responsibility and downsizing. He could be the superintendent and the elementary or alternative principal at the same time – been done before in districts of similar size. The district office also needs to be downsized and sold – not just employees moved around. Creative fiscal and saving options need to start at the highest levels.
As a taxpayer who loves our local schools, I vote no for how people are treated and excessive fiscal requests. I’ll continue to vote no until I see real, significant changes in leadership. Our elected officials are aware of the dysfunction yet support it by ignoring it. We need genuine servant leadership that puts others first.
John M. Adkins
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