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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


5/16 - Police contacted MPH Auto to help someone who had locked their keys in their car at the hospital.

5/18 - Police warned a man that disabled vehicles on Martin Road would be towed if he didn’t move them himself. 

5/19 - Police helped determine the rightful owner of a vehicle on Dill Avenue. A woman said a man had bought the car for her. That man explained that he had let her drive it if she made the payments, but she did not. Since the car was registered to the man, police explained it to the woman in the situation.

5/20 - A man reported a pistol stolen from the center console of his truck. He was uncertain whether the weapon was taken while in Spokane or while at an A Street address.

- “Dogs can’t read” a police report noted when a stray dog was reported in the area of the former Center School on Spokane Way, where a sign stated that no dogs are allowed. Police noted that a pit bull loose in that area was friendly before it left their sight.

Coulee Dam


5/15 - Police responded to their own police station where the alarm was set off by a city employee, a custodian who didn’t have the code to get in. Police told her they would get her the code if it is allowable.

5/16 - A man was reported as being involved in an assault at Harvest Foods. Police found the suspect’s truck on the Elmer City Access Road, watched him get into the truck and start driving, then pulled him over. The man said he was just buying beer at Harvest Foods and didn’t elaborate on that situation. The Coulee Dam officer also called tribal police, who found items near where the truck had been parked, a television, baseball bats, and “cutters.” It was then determined the television had been stolen from a Lincoln County residence. A Lincoln County deputy came and arrested the man for the burglary.

5/18 - A Central Drive man told police his car had been prowled and a bluetooth adapter was all that was taken, valued at about $10.

- A dog was running at large on Central Drive. A man said the loose dog had injured his dogs in the past. He was fine with the other dog owner just being warned and didn’t want to press charges.

- A woman on Tilmus Street was concerned that a drone hovering above her house could have been taking pictures. Police didn’t see a drone in the area once they arrived.

5/19 - A man on Aspen Street told police that someone called him saying they were a Capital One employee and asked for personal info such as a Social Security number and date of birth. The man gave them the info and said they then just hung up on him. Police warned him not to give out personal information and said there wasn’t really anything they could do to help him.

5/20 - A man was pulled over on Elmer City Access Road for poor lane control after crossing over the centerline multiple times. Police observed an open alcohol container as well as the man slurring his speech and other indicators of intoxication. The man refused to give a breath sample, but police obtained a warrant to extract his blood at the hospital. He was taken to jail for driving under the influence.

5/22 - Police said they would talk to a woman who reportedly had told another woman not to walk her dog down Cedar Street as it agitated other neighborhood dogs. Police said that she hadn’t broken any laws by telling someone not to walk their dog down the street, but that she had no authority over city property such as a city street.

- An officer told a concerned citizen who reported hearing shots on the west side of town that he, the officer, had been shooting a gun at an area near the Grand Coulee Dam.


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