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Valedictorian Aehsley Piturachsatit

Hello everyone, my name is Aehsley Piturachsatit and I am the Lake Roosevelt class of 2022 's valedictorian. I am so beyond grateful for the opportunity to be up here today, not because I am one for public speaking. Believe me that could not be farther from the truth, I remember calling my mom after finding out I was 1st in the class and telling her, "I might need to get a couple Bs to avoid speaking." However, I have to thank my internal phobia of Bs for making sure I could proudly stand here today. So here I am, trying my very hardest to sound more confident than I feel. You may now be wondering as to why I am so grateful, and the answer is simple, getting to speak as a part of this class.

As many of you already know, I spent the majority of my high school career in Hawaii attending Kapa'a High School. Now many people have asked me the same question, "Why did you move back?" Their alarm that I would leave the yearlong summer and paradise was met with a multitude of different responses.

Truth be told I've never actually known the true reason for my return. Yet as I sit here and write this speech memories of my childhood in Coulee Dam and with this particular group of kids come flooding back to me.

My immediate realization that the reason for moving back was for this class, right here. The class that I grew up with. The very same class that was by my side through all of life's hardships. So many memories were formed with every one of these kids and I am beyond thankful I got to spend my last year with you.

I feel so privileged to be given the opportunity to experience all of the things little me imagined I would be doing with all of you. Friday night football, varsity volleyball with my best friend, homecoming, spirit week, prom, senior trip, and now graduation. Even just simply walking into a classroom and seeing all the familiar faces has been the greatest comfort.

I have so many people to thank for giving me this opportunity, My grandma and papa for taking me in without a second thought. My whole family for loving me and supporting me throughout everything. The Hansen family for always offering their home as a place for comfort and for taking me in as one of their own. To all the staff members at this school for graciously welcoming me back and making the transition way less stressful. To this class for making me feel as if l truly never left. Maeha, Emry, Tru, thank you for being my siblings, despite you not having a choice, I am grateful that I always have the support from my three favorite people.

Finally the person most deserving of my thanks, my incredible mom, Raehanne Piturachsatit. Mom, thank you for understanding how important coming back to Coulee was for me. You so selflessly gave up experiencing my senior year alongside me so I could find the joy I was searching for. You are the epitome of grace, love, and graciousness. I love you dearly for staying back and watching me shine.

In the wise words of Miley Stewart, "You always find your way back home." I am so incredibly glad that I did.


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