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Dysfunctional pattern continues

Letters from our readers

In my last thoughts shared in The Star, I mentioned that I had hoped that the upper brass in the GCDSD would start to be accountable for the downward spiral of dysfunction created by their superintendent. I love our local school district and I’m proud that all of my kids were Raiders, but this organization is at the lowest point I’ve seen in forty years. We need genuine leadership where people are valued and heard, and progressive change is made on necessary prioritized challenges. Instead, we have a pattern of selfish, reactive management where others are treated poorly when a diversity of viewpoints are shared.

This overall dysfunction has led to community members talking about no-confidence in the Superintendent and recalling the elected officials. Much more disturbing than all of this is people informing me that the reason nothing changes even when there are numerous valid concerns, is because they’re known as the “good ole boys.” They are all buddies! If this is true, it is unacceptable, pathetic, and embarrassing!

To simplify, from a very complex situation, I want to clearly focus on the ongoing dysfunction in what I feel are the top two areas priority-wise. Number one is always people. Establish sound human dynamics by the way you relate and collaboratively think together. In a short period of time the GCDSD has lost their Sharp Kids, Special Education, Maintenance/Grounds, Foods Programs, Athletic and two Transportation system leaders. Two secondary principals and the secondary dean of students have also left. I’m not going to mention the number of staff who’ve left because it increases almost daily. Our superintendent says this turnover is normal and others are applying for these openings. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In a healthy work environment, employees stay with their boss even when the grass may seem greener elsewhere. To say these positions already have applicants is cold and unbelievable. Saying he is more concerned about the bus driver shortage shows others are not valued. He was the one who laid off the bus drivers! Also, poor handling of racism allegations does not help build sound human dynamics.

My second area of concern priority-wise is sustained fiscal stability. The GCDSD failed to listen to the community and both of their most recent levy requests were disastrous. Even though we’re told the GCDSD is broke, they still have not downsized administration or the District Office. They somehow found funds for Human Resources and Federal Programs Directors. In many B-sized school districts, the superintendent and or business manager do these duties. Knowing they are broke, the superintendent asked to work less with more daily pay. He also said he found funds to have someone else run things, but he would still be in charge. He botched a public records request and has botched the Impact Aid process for several years. All of this adds to the overall extreme fiscal hardship for the GCDSD.

Don’t get me going on school discipline issues, staff covering for each other due to a lack of substitute teachers or the inadequate security officer posting. Our Superintendent never accepts responsibility for this dysfunction and needs to be held accountable. He never wants to do more or get on the front line to help the principals with the students.

I vote no on any future GCDSD election ballot requests until I see major progressive changes with new genuine servant leadership that puts others first.


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