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CAPRD continues to maintain North Dam Park

Looks towards the future

North Dam Park can continue to be maintained, at least for a while longer, as more funding has been donated by the community to the Coulee Area Park and Recreation District. 

At their July 13 meeting, CAPRD commissioners were presented with a $5,600 check by Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Rachelle Baughman who started a page at the online fundraising site,

Commissioner Kevin Portch said that CAPRD also received $900 in private donations separately from that online donation site.

The group voted to continue maintaining North Dam Park with the donations making it possible.

They had been in dire straits financially, making future maintenance of the park uncertain, prompting Baughman to start the GoFundMe page. 

The group also discussed the process of beginning a new contract with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which owns the land, and pursuing grants through the Columbia Basin Foundation for additional funding. 

CAPRD hopes to get to a point financially in which they are not just maintaining the park, but making improvements on it, as well, such as putting in a basketball court, improving the playground, and more.

The GoFundMe page can be found at by searching for North Dam Park.


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